Synchronization Server Documentation Index

Available Tools

Documentation is available for the following command-line tools:

authrate Perform repeated authentications against an LDAP directory server, where each authentication consists of a search to find a user followed by a bind to verify the credentials for that user.
backup Back up one or more Synchronization Server backends
base64 Encode raw data using the base64 algorithm or decode base64-encoded data back to its raw representation
collect-support-data Collect and package system information useful in troubleshooting problems. The information is packaged as a zip archive that can be sent to a technical support representative
create-rc-script Create an RC script that may be used to start, stop, and restart the Synchronization Server on UNIX-based systems
create-sync-pipe-config Create an initial Synchronization Server configuration
dsconfig View and edit the Synchronization Server configuration
dsframework Manage administrative server groups or the global administrative user accounts that are used to configure servers within server groups
dsjavaproperties Configure the JVM arguments used to run the Synchronization Server and associated tools
dump-dns Obtain a listing of all of the DNs for all entries below a specified base DN in the Directory Server.
enter-lockdown-mode Request that the Synchronization Server enter lockdown mode, during which it only processes operations requested by users holding the lockdown-mode privilege
ldap-diff Compare the contents of two LDAP servers
ldap-result-code Display and query LDAP result codes
ldapcompare Perform LDAP compare operations in the Synchronization Server
ldapdelete Perform LDAP delete operations in the Synchronization Server
ldapmodify Perform LDAP modify, add, delete, and modify DN operations in the Synchronization Server
ldappasswordmodify Perform LDAP password modify operations in the Synchronization Server
ldapsearch Perform LDAP search operations in the Synchronization Server
ldif-diff Compare the contents of two LDIF files, the output being an LDIF file needed to bring the source file in sync with the target
ldifmodify Apply a set of modify, add, and delete operations to data in an LDIF file
ldifsearch Perform search operations to data in an LDIF file
leave-lockdown-mode Request that the Synchronization Server leave lockdown mode and resume normal operation
list-backends List the backends and base DNs configured in the Synchronization Server
make-ldif Generate LDIF data based on a definition in a template file
manage-extension Install or update UnboundID Synchronization Server extension bundles
manage-tasks Access information about pending, running, and completed tasks scheduled in the Synchronization Server
modrate Perform repeated modifications against an LDAP directory server.
move-subtree Move all entries in a specified subtree from one server to another.
parallel-update Perform add, delete, modify, and modify DN operations concurrently using multiple threads
prepare-endpoint-server Prepare a Synchronization Server and an external server for for communication
profile-viewer View information in data files captured by the Synchronization Server profiler
realtime-sync Control real-time synchronization including starting and stopping synchronization globally or for individual Sync Pipes; and setting the start point for real-time synchronization so that changes made before a specified time are ignored
remove-backup Safely remove a backup and optionally all of its dependent backups from the specified Synchronization Server backend
remove-defunct-server Remove a server from this server's topology
restore Restore a backup of a Synchronization Server backend
resync A resync operation can be used to resynchronize a Sync Destination with the contents of the Sync Pipe's corresponding Sync Source
revert-update This tool returns a server to the version before the last update was performed. Unlike the 'update' tool, this tool operates on the local instance from which it is invoked. This tool relies on files from the 'history' directory that are created during an update to restore the server to a prior state. It should be noted that this tool does not revert database files to prior states. Therefore, any changes made to the directory data between the time of the update and time of reversion will be lost.
review-license Review and/or indicate your acceptance of the product license
scramble-ldif Obscure the contents of a specified set of attributes in an LDIF file
search-and-mod-rate Perform repeated searches against an LDAP directory server and modify each entry returned.
searchrate Perform repeated searches against an LDAP directory server.
server-state View information about the current state of the Synchronization Server process
start-sync-server Start the Synchronization Server
status Display basic server information
stop-sync-server Stop or restart the server
subtree-accessibility List or update the a set of subtree accessibility restrictions defined in the Directory Server.
sum-file-sizes Calculate the sum of the sizes for a set of files
summarize-config View a summary of the Synchronization Server configuration
translate-ldif Translates the contents of an LDIF file from the format for a Sync Source to the format of the Sync Destination using the filtering and mapping criteria defined for Sync Classes in the specified Sync Pipe
uninstall Uninstall the Synchronization Server.
update To update a server to a newer version, download and unzip a new server install package on the same host as the server you wish to update. Then, use the 'update' tool from the new server package to update the older version of the server. Before upgrading a server, you should ensure that it is capable of starting without severe or fatal errors. During the update process, the server is stopped if running, then the update performed, and a check is made to determine if the newly updated server starts without major errors. If it cannot start cleanly, the update will be backed out and the server returned to its prior state. The 'revert-update' tool can be used to return the server to a previous version once an update has finished. Note that unlike the 'update' tool which operates on a remote server, 'revert-update' operates on the server root from which it is invoked. This tool copies the files that would be needed to return this installation to a prior version in the 'history' directory. These files can be removed if you are sure a reversion to the prior version will not be necessary.
validate-ldif Validate the contents of an LDIF file against the server schema.