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List or update the a set of subtree accessibility restrictions defined in the Directory Server.


Retrieve information about all subtree accessibility restrictions defined in the server.
subtree-accessibility --hostname --port 389 \
     --bindDN uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com --bindPassword password

Create or update the subtree accessibility state definition for subtree 'ou=subtree,dc=example,dc=com' so that it is read-only for all users except 'uid=bypass,dc=example,dc=com'.
subtree-accessibility --hostname --port 389 \
     --bindDN uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com --bindPassword password --set \
     --baseDN ou=subtree,dc=example,dc=com --state read-only-bind-allowed \
     --bypassUserDN uid=bypass,dc=example,dc=com

For examples and help with LDAP options see LDAP Option Help. For help with SASL authentication, see SASL Option Help



Description Display Synchronization Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using LDAP options


Description Display help for using SASL options


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-h {host}
--hostname {host}

Description The IP address or resolvable name to use to connect to the directory server. If this is not provided, then a default value of 'localhost' will be used.
Default Value localhost
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-p {port}
--port {port}

Description The port to use to connect to the directory server. If this is not provided, then a default value of 389 will be used.
Default Value 389
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-D {dn}
--bindDN {dn}

Description The DN to use to bind to the directory server when performing simple authentication.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-w {password}
--bindPassword {password}

Description The password to use to bind to the directory server when performing simple authentication or a password-based SASL mechanism.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-j {path}
--bindPasswordFile {path}

Description The path to the file containing the password to use to bind to the directory server when performing simple authentication or a password-based SASL mechanism.
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use SSL when communicating with the directory server.


Description Use StartTLS when communicating with the directory server.


Description Trust any certificate presented by the directory server.

-K {path}
--keyStorePath {path}

Description The path to the file to use as the key store for obtaining client certificates when communicating securely with the directory server.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-W {password}
--keyStorePassword {password}

Description The password to use to access the key store contents.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-u {path}
--keyStorePasswordFile {path}

Description The path to the file containing the password to use to access the key store contents.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--keyStoreFormat {format}

Description The format (e.g., jks, jceks, pkcs12, etc.) for the key store file.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-P {path}
--trustStorePath {path}

Description The path to the file to use as trust store when determining whether to trust a certificate presented by the directory server.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-T {password}
--trustStorePassword {password}

Description The password to use to access the trust store contents.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-U {path}
--trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Description The path to the file containing the password to use to access the trust store contents.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--trustStoreFormat {format}

Description The format (e.g., jks, jceks, pkcs12, etc.) for the trust store file.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-N {nickname}
--certNickname {nickname}

Description The nickname (alias) of the client certificate in the key store to present to the directory server for SSL client authentication.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-o {name=value}
--saslOption {name=value}

Description A name-value pair providing information to use when performing SASL authentication.
Required No
Multi-Valued Yes


Description Indicates that the set of accessibility restrictions should be updated rather than retrieved.

-b {dn}
--baseDN {dn}

Description The base DN of the subtree for which an accessibility restriction is to be updated.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-S {state}
--state {state}

Description The accessibility state to use for the accessibility restriction on the target subtree. Allowed values: accessible, read-only-bind-allowed, read-only-bind-denied, hidden.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-B {dn}
--bypassUserDN {dn}

Description The DN of a user who is allowed to bypass restrictions on the target subtree.
Required No
Multi-Valued No