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Translates the contents of an LDIF file from the format for a Sync Source to the format of the Sync Destination using the filtering and mapping criteria defined for Sync Classes in the specified Sync Pipe.

The translate-ldif command is typically used to convert an LDIF file exported from a Sync Source directory instance into the corresponding LDIF that can be imported into the Sync Destination directory. Entries and attributes that are not synchronized are filtered out. Attributes and DNs are mapped according to the mappings defined in the matching Sync Class.


Applies the filtering criteria and attribute mapping of 'Some Sync Pipe' to convert the source.ldif file, which is in the format of the Sync Source, into destination.ldif, which is in the format of the Sync Destination:
translate-ldif --pipe-name "Some Sync Pipe" --sourceLDIF source.ldif \
     --destinationLDIF destination.ldif



Description Display Synchronization Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-p Sync Pipe name
--pipe-name Sync Pipe name

Description Name of the Sync Pipe to use when translating the LDIF
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-l {path}
--sourceLDIF {path}

Description The path to the source LDIF file to be translated
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-o {path}
--destinationLDIF {path}

Description The path to use for the translated LDIF file to be written. Defaults to .translated
Required No
Multi-Valued No