Safely remove a backup and optionally all of its dependent backups from the specified Synchronization Server backend.
This tool deletes the specified backup archive and updates the backup descriptor accordingly. If there are other (incremental) backups that depend on this backup, they will need to be removed before the base backup can be removed, unless you choose the --force option.
If you choose the --force option, the specified backup and all other backups depending on it are removed. You can use the --showDependencies option to see what incremental backups depend on a given base backup.
remove-backup --backupDirectory backups/userRoot --backupID monday
remove-backup --backupDirectory backups/userRoot --backupID monday --force
remove-backup --backupDirectory backups/userRoot --backupID monday \ --showDependencies
Description | Display Synchronization Server version information |
Description | Display general usage information |
Description | Display help for using debug options |
Advanced | Yes |
-d {backupDir}
--backupDirectory {backupDir}
Description | Directory containing backup archives and backup descriptor for a given backend |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-I {backupID}
--backupID {backupID}
Description | Identifier of the backup archive to remove |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Force the removal of this backup and all its dependent incremental backups |
Description | Show the incremental backups that depend on this backup |