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To update a server to a newer version, download and unzip a new server install package on the same host as the server you wish to update. Then, use the 'update' tool from the new server package to update the older version of the server. Before upgrading a server, you should ensure that it is capable of starting without severe or fatal errors. During the update process, the server is stopped if running, then the update performed, and a check is made to determine if the newly updated server starts without major errors. If it cannot start cleanly, the update will be backed out and the server returned to its prior state. The 'revert-update' tool can be used to return the server to a previous version once an update has finished. Note that unlike the 'update' tool which operates on a remote server, 'revert-update' operates on the server root from which it is invoked. This tool copies the files that would be needed to return this installation to a prior version in the 'history' directory. These files can be removed if you are sure a reversion to the prior version will not be necessary.


Update the server installed in /ds/UnboundID-DS from its current version to this install root's version:
update --serverRoot /ds/UnboundID-DS



Description Display Synchronization Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-R {serverRootDir}
--serverRoot {serverRootDir}

Description Specify the installation root of the server to update to this server root's version
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No


Description Use non-interactive mode, disabling any prompts for confirmation or further information


Description Perform a quiet update or reversion


Description Use verbose mode


Description Tool should continue should warnings occur when used non-interactively. This option should be used with caution