Perform repeated modifications against an LDAP directory server.
modrate --hostname --port 389 \ --bindDN uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com --bindPassword password \ --entryDN "uid=user.[1-1000000],ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" \ --attribute description --valueLength 12 --numThreads 10
Description | Display Synchronization Server version information |
Description | Display general usage information |
Description | Display help for using LDAP options |
Description | Display help for using SASL options |
Description | Display help for using debug options |
Advanced | Yes |
-h {host}
--hostname {host}
Description | The IP address or resolvable name to use to connect to the directory server. If this is not provided, then a default value of 'localhost' will be used. |
Default Value | localhost |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
-p {port}
--port {port}
Description | The port to use to connect to the directory server. If this is not provided, then a default value of 389 will be used. |
Default Value | 389 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-D {dn}
--bindDN {dn}
Description | The DN to use to bind to the directory server when performing simple authentication. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-w {password}
--bindPassword {password}
Description | The password to use to bind to the directory server when performing simple authentication or a password-based SASL mechanism. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-j {path}
--bindPasswordFile {path}
Description | The path to the file containing the password to use to bind to the directory server when performing simple authentication or a password-based SASL mechanism. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Use SSL when communicating with the directory server. |
Description | Use StartTLS when communicating with the directory server. |
Description | Trust any certificate presented by the directory server. |
-K {path}
--keyStorePath {path}
Description | The path to the file to use as the key store for obtaining client certificates when communicating securely with the directory server. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-W {password}
--keyStorePassword {password}
Description | The password to use to access the key store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-u {path}
--keyStorePasswordFile {path}
Description | The path to the file containing the password to use to access the key store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--keyStoreFormat {format}
Description | The format (e.g., jks, jceks, pkcs12, etc.) for the key store file. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-P {path}
--trustStorePath {path}
Description | The path to the file to use as trust store when determining whether to trust a certificate presented by the directory server. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-T {password}
--trustStorePassword {password}
Description | The password to use to access the trust store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-U {path}
--trustStorePasswordFile {path}
Description | The path to the file containing the password to use to access the trust store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--trustStoreFormat {format}
Description | The format (e.g., jks, jceks, pkcs12, etc.) for the trust store file. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-N {nickname}
--certNickname {nickname}
Description | The nickname (alias) of the client certificate in the key store to present to the directory server for SSL client authentication. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-o {name=value}
--saslOption {name=value}
Description | A name-value pair providing information to use when performing SASL authentication. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
-b {dn}
--entryDN {dn}
Description | The DN of the entry to modify. It may be a simple DN or a value pattern to specify a range of DN (e.g., "uid=user.[1-1000],ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"). This must be provided. |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-A {name}
--attribute {name}
Description | The name of the attribute to modify. Multiple attributes may be specified by providing this argument multiple times. At least one attribute must be specified. |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
-l {num}
--valueLength {num}
Description | The length in bytes to use when generating values for the modifications. If this is not provided, then a default length of ten bytes will be used. |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Default Value | 10 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-C {chars}
--characterSet {chars}
Description | The set of characters to use to generate the values for the modifications. It should only include ASCII characters. If this is not provided, then a default set of lowercase alphabetic characters will be used. |
Default Value | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-t {num}
--numThreads {num}
Description | The number of threads to use to perform the modifications. If this is not provided, a single thread will be used. |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Default Value | 1 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-i {num}
--intervalDuration {num}
Description | The length of time in seconds between output lines. If this is not provided, then a default interval of five seconds will be used. |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Default Value | 5 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-I {num}
--numIntervals {num}
Description | The maximum number of intervals for which to run. If this is not provided, then the tool will run until it is interrupted. |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Default Value | 2147483647 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
--iterationsBeforeReconnect {num}
Description | The number of modify iterations that should be processed on a connection before that connection is closed and replaced with a newly-established (and authenticated, if appropriate) connection. If this is not provided, then connections will not be periodically closed and re-established. |
Lower Bound | -2147483648 |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Default Value | 0 |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-r {modifies-per-second}
--ratePerSecond {modifies-per-second}
Description | The target number of modifies to perform per second. It is still necessary to specify a sufficient number of threads for achieving this rate. If this option is not provided, then the tool will run at the maximum rate for the specified number of threads. |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--warmUpIntervals {num}
Description | The number of intervals to complete before beginning overall statistics collection. Specifying a nonzero number of warm-up intervals gives the client and server a chance to warm up without skewing performance results. |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Default Value | 0 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
--timestampFormat {format}
Description | Indicates the format to use for timestamps included in the output. A value of 'none' indicates that no timestamps should be included. A value of 'with-date' indicates that both the date and the time should be included. A value of 'without-date' indicates that only the time should be included. |
Default Value | none |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-Y {authzID}
--proxyAs {authzID}
Description | Indicates that the proxied authorization control (as defined in RFC 4370) should be used to request that operations be processed using an alternate authorization identity. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Indicates that information about the result codes for failed operations should not be displayed. |
Description | Generate output in CSV format rather than a display-friendly format |
-R {value}
--randomSeed {value}
Description | Specifies the seed to use for the random number generator. |
Lower Bound | -2147483648 |
Upper Bound | 2147483647 |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |