Prepare a Synchronization Server and an external server for for communication.
This tool performs several functions that update a directory server to be used as an external server by the Synchronization Server. If you use the create-sync-pipe-config tool to define and prepare directory server instances use of this tool is unnecessary.
Among other functions, this tool creates the synchronization user account, sets the correct password, and configures the account with required privileges. If necessary you are prompted for manager credentials in order that the tool can perform any required modifications to the external server.
When using this tool, specify the LDAP connection options to establish a connection to the external server. Other options are used to specify information about the Synchronization Server which this tool uses to configure the external server.
If a secure connection will be used by Synchronization Server to communicate with the external server you can supply the path and password of the trust store to have this tool populate the Synchronization Server's trust store with the server certificate of the external server.
prepare-endpoint-server --hostname --port 1389 \ --syncServerBindDN "cn=Sync User,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" \ --syncServerBindPassword password --baseDN dc=example,dc=com --isSource
prepare-endpoint-server --hostname --port 1636 --useSSL \ --syncServerBindDN "cn=Sync User,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" \ --syncServerBindPassword password \ --syncServerTrustStorePath /path/to/truststore \ --syncServerTrustStorePasswordFile /path/to/pin/file \ --baseDN dc=example,dc=com --isSource --isDestination
Description | Display Synchronization Server version information |
Description | Display general usage information |
Description | Display help for using LDAP options |
Description | Display help for using SASL options |
Description | Display help for using debug options |
Advanced | Yes |
Description | Use SSL for secure communication with the server |
Description | Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server |
Description | Use no security when communicating with the server |
-D {bindDN}
--bindDN {bindDN}
Description | DN used to bind to the server |
Default Value | cn=Directory Manager |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-w {bindPassword}
--bindPassword {bindPassword}
Description | Password used to bind to the server |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-j {bindPasswordFile}
--bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}
Description | Bind password file |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Trust all server SSL certificates |
-h {host}
--hostname {host}
Description | External server hostname or IP address |
Default Value | localhost |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-p {port}
--port {port}
Description | External server port number |
Default Value | 389 |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Perform an installation in non-interactive mode. If some data in the command is missing, you will not be prompted and the tool will fail |
Description | Use quiet mode |
--syncServerBindDN {bindDN}
Description | User account DN used by Synchronization Server to access the server to be prepared |
Default Value | cn=Sync User,cn=Root DNs,cn=config |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--syncServerBindPassword {bindPassword}
Description | User account password used by Synchronization Server to access the server to be prepared |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
--baseDN {baseDN}
Description | DN of a subtree of the server to be synchronized |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Description | Indicate that the endpoint server will serve as a synchronization source |
Description | Indicate that the endpoint server will serve as a synchronization destination |
--maxChangeLogAge {timeLimit}
Description | Maximum age of changelog entries to set on the prepared server when the change log is enabled. This setting keeps the change log from growing too large and impacting server performance |
Default Value | 2d |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--syncServerTrustStorePath {trustStorePath}
Description | Path to the Synchronization Server's trust store |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--syncServerTrustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}
Description | Password to the Synchronization Server's trust store |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--syncServerTrustStorePasswordFile {path}
Description | Path to file containing the password for the Synchronization Server's trust store |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |