
This package defines a number of data types that may be used to obtain information about the server schema.


Interface Summary
ApproximateMatchingRule This interface provides an API for interacting with approximate matching rules, which can be used to determine whether one value is approximately equal to another.
AttributeSyntax This interface provides an API for interacting with attribute syntaxes, which can be used to constrain the kinds of data that may be stored in associated attributes.
AttributeType This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about an attribute type defined in the server schema.
DITContentRule This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about a DIT content rule defined in the server schema.
DITStructureRule This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about a DIT structure rule defined in the server schema.
EqualityMatchingRule This interface provides an API for interacting with equality matching rules, which can be used to determine whether one value is logically equivalent to another.
MatchingRule This interface provides an API for interacting with matching rules, which can be used to perform matching-related operations against data.
MatchingRuleUse This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about a matching rule use defined in the server schema.
NameForm This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about a name form defined in the server schema.
ObjectClass This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about an object class defined in the server schema.
OrderingMatchingRule This interface provides an API for interacting with ordering matching rules, which can be used to determine the logical order of two values in a sorted list.
Schema This interface provides a number of methods that may be used to interact with the server schema.
SubstringMatchingRule This interface provides an API for interacting with substring matching rules, which can be used to determine whether a given value matches a provided substring assertion.

Package Description

This package defines a number of data types that may be used to obtain information about the server schema.