Interface SubstringMatchingRule

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SubstringMatchingRule
extends MatchingRule

This interface provides an API for interacting with substring matching rules, which can be used to determine whether a given value matches a provided substring assertion.

Method Summary
 com.unboundid.util.ByteString normalizeSubstring(com.unboundid.util.ByteString substring)
          Normalizes the provided value fragment into a form that can be used to efficiently compare it in a substring assertion.
 boolean valueMatchesSubstring(com.unboundid.util.ByteString normValue, com.unboundid.util.ByteString normSubInitial, java.util.List<com.unboundid.util.ByteString> normSubAny, com.unboundid.util.ByteString normSubFinal)
          Indicates whether the provided value matches the given substring assertion.
Methods inherited from interface
equals, getDescription, getName, getNameOrOID, getOID, getSyntaxOID, hashCode, hasNameOrOID, isObsolete, normalizeValue, toString, valuesMatch

Method Detail


com.unboundid.util.ByteString normalizeSubstring(com.unboundid.util.ByteString substring)
                                                 throws com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException
Normalizes the provided value fragment into a form that can be used to efficiently compare it in a substring assertion.

substring - The substring value to be normalized.
The normalized form of the provided substring.
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException - If a problem is encountered while attempting to normalize the provided substring.


boolean valueMatchesSubstring(com.unboundid.util.ByteString normValue,
                              com.unboundid.util.ByteString normSubInitial,
                              java.util.List<com.unboundid.util.ByteString> normSubAny,
                              com.unboundid.util.ByteString normSubFinal)
Indicates whether the provided value matches the given substring assertion.

normValue - The normalized form of the value to be compared.
normSubInitial - The normalized form of the subInitial element for the substring assertion. It may be null if there is no subInitial element.
normSubAny - The normalized forms of the subAny elements for the substring assertion. It may be empty or null if there is no subInitial element.
normSubFinal - The normalized form of the subFinal element for the substring assertion. It may be null if there is no subFinal element.
true if the provided value matches the given substring assertion, or false if not.