Identity Broker REST API Reference

UnboundID Logo


Mount Point: /auth/api/v1/dataviewschemas/{id}/

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Retrieves a specified model object.


name description type default
id The ID of the model object to be retrieved. path

Response Body

result: dataViewSchema
media types: application/json

The requested model object.

Status Codes

code description
200 Success
304 Not modified
404 No such object


Updates a model object.


name description type default
id The ID of the model object to be updated. path

Request Body

element: dataViewSchema
media types: application/json

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

result: dataViewSchema
media types: application/json

The updated model object response.

Status Codes

code description
200 Success
412 Precondition failed
409 Reserved for cache object out of date


Deletes the specified data view schema.


name description type default
id The ID of the data view schema to be deleted. path

Status Codes

code description
204 Success
404 No such object