Identity Broker REST API Reference

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Mount Point: /privacy/v1/consents/{ownerCompositeKey}/resources/{resourceId}/


Gets consents associated with the given owner and given resource.


name description type default
ownerCompositeKey The key to use to find the requested owner. path
resourceId The resource id to get consents for. path
startIndex The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. A null value is equivalent to 0. query
count The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. A null value signifies no maximum. query
includeGroups true to return consents where resourceId may be a member of a resource group in the consented resources list. Otherwise false means the resourceId must be explicitly listed in the consented resources list. The default is true. query true

Response Body

result: consent
media types: application/json

Paged list of consents associated with the given owner and resource.

Status Codes

code description
200 Success
404 No such object


Deletes all consents associated with the given owner and resource.


name description type default
ownerCompositeKey The key to use to identify the consent owner. path
resourceId The resource id associated with the consents to be deleted. path

Status Codes

code description
204 Success
404 No such object