Interface TaskContext

    • Method Detail

      • getTaskEntryDN

        java.lang.String getTaskEntryDN()
        Retrieves the DN of the entry that contains the definition for this task.
        The DN of the entry that contains the definition for this task.
      • getTaskEntry

        Entry getTaskEntry()
        Retrieves a read-only copy of the entry that contains the definition for this task.
        A read-only copy of the entry that contains the definition for this task.
      • getTaskID

        java.lang.String getTaskID()
        Retrieves the unique identifier for this task.
        The unique identifier for this task.
      • getServerContext

        DirectoryServerContext getServerContext()
        Retrieves information about the server in which the task is being processed.
        Information about the server in which the task is being processed.