Interface DirectoryServerContext

    • Method Detail

      • getBackendForEntry

        BackendContext getBackendForEntry​(java.lang.String dn)
                                   throws LDAPException
        Returns the BackendContext for the backend which should handle the specified entry, or null if there is no backend that handles this entry. Note that the entry does not need to exist. If a BackendContext is returned, it will return true for BackendContext.handlesEntry(String) when given the specified DN.
        dn - The DN for which to make the determination. It must not be null.
        The BackendContext for the given entry, or null if no such backend exists.
        LDAPException - If the provided string cannot be parsed as a valid DN or if a problem is encountered while attempting to retrieve the BackendContext.
      • registerBackendInitializationListener

        RegisteredBackendInitializationListener registerBackendInitializationListener​(BackendInitializationListener listener)
        Registers the provided backend initialization listener with the server so that it may be notified of any backends coming online or going offline.
        listener - The backend initialization listener to be registered with the server. It must not be null.
        An object representing the backend initialization listener that has been registered with the server.