Interface ChangeListener

public interface ChangeListener

This interface defines a set of methods that may be implemented by an extension which should be used to receive information about changes processed within the server as the result of add, delete, modify, or modify DN operations. The ServerContext.registerChangeListener method should be used to register a change listener with the server, and the corresponding deregisterChangeListener method should be used to deregister the listener if it is no longer needed.

Note that notification will only be provided for changes successfully processed within the local server. Notification will not be provided for changes to data located in remote servers even if the change was processed through this server. Notification will also not be provided for operations that did not complete successfully.

Also note that notification about matching changes will be provided to change listeners asynchronously after the change has been processed within the server and the result has been returned to the client. Other changes to the target entry may be in progress (and perhaps may have already completed) as a result of other operations by the same or other clients.

Method Summary
 void addOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, AddRequest addRequest, AddResult addResult, Entry entry)
          Indicates that an add operation has been processed within the server.
 void deleteOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, DeleteRequest deleteRequest, DeleteResult deleteResult, Entry entry)
          Indicates that a delete operation has been processed within the server.
 void modifyDNOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ModifyDNRequest modifyDNRequest, ModifyDNResult modifyDNResult, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry)
          Indicates that a modify DN operation has been processed within the server.
 void modifyOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ModifyRequest modifyRequest, ModifyResult modifyResult, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry)
          Indicates that a modify operation has been processed within the server.

Method Detail


void addOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
                           AddRequest addRequest,
                           AddResult addResult,
                           Entry entry)
Indicates that an add operation has been processed within the server.

operationContext - The context for the add operation.
addRequest - Information about the request for the add operation that was processed.
addResult - Information about the result for the add operation that was processed.
entry - The entry that was added to the server.


void deleteOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
                              DeleteRequest deleteRequest,
                              DeleteResult deleteResult,
                              Entry entry)
Indicates that a delete operation has been processed within the server.

operationContext - The context for the delete operation.
deleteRequest - Information about the request for the delete operation that was processed.
deleteResult - Information about the result for the delete operation that was processed.
entry - The entry that was removed from the server.


void modifyOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
                              ModifyRequest modifyRequest,
                              ModifyResult modifyResult,
                              Entry oldEntry,
                              Entry newEntry)
Indicates that a modify operation has been processed within the server.

operationContext - The context for the modify operation.
modifyRequest - Information about the request for the modify operation that was processed.
modifyResult - Information about the result for the modify operation that was processed.
oldEntry - The entry as it appeared before the change was processed.
newEntry - The entry as it appeared immediately after the change was processed.


void modifyDNOperationProcessed(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
                                ModifyDNRequest modifyDNRequest,
                                ModifyDNResult modifyDNResult,
                                Entry oldEntry,
                                Entry newEntry)
Indicates that a modify DN operation has been processed within the server.

operationContext - The context for the modify DN operation.
modifyDNRequest - Information about the request for the modify DN operation that was processed.
modifyDNResult - Information about the result for the modify DN operation that was processed.
oldEntry - The entry as it appeared before the change was processed.
newEntry - The entry as it appeared immediately after the change was processed.