Interface AssuredReplicationResult

public interface AssuredReplicationResult

This interface may be used to obtain information about the result of replication assurance processing for an operation.

Method Summary
 java.util.Collection<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.controls.AssuredReplicationServerResult> getServerResults()
          Retrieves a collection with results about individual servers involved in replication assurance processing.
 boolean isLocalAssuranceSatisfied()
          Indicates whether the local assurance level was satisfied for the operation.
 boolean isRemoteAssuranceSatisfied()
          Indicates whether the remote assurance level was satisfied for the operation.

Method Detail


boolean isLocalAssuranceSatisfied()
Indicates whether the local assurance level was satisfied for the operation.

true if the local assurance level was satisfied, or false if not.


boolean isRemoteAssuranceSatisfied()
Indicates whether the remote assurance level was satisfied for the operation.

true if the remote assurance level was satisfied, or false if not.


java.util.Collection<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.controls.AssuredReplicationServerResult> getServerResults()
Retrieves a collection with results about individual servers involved in replication assurance processing.

A collection with results about individual servers involved in replication assurance processing.