Interface GenericConfig

All Known Subinterfaces:
AccessLoggerConfig, AccountStatusNotificationHandlerConfig, AlertHandlerConfig, CertificateMapperConfig, ChangeSubscriptionHandlerConfig, CipherStreamProviderConfig, ErrorLoggerConfig, ExtendedOperationHandlerConfig, FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig, FileBasedErrorLoggerConfig, GenericBrokerConfig, GenericDirectoryConfig, GenericHTTPConfig, GenericProxyConfig, GenericSyncConfig, HTTPOperationLoggerConfig, HTTPServletExtensionConfig, IdentityMapperConfig, JDBCSyncDestinationConfig, JDBCSyncSourceConfig, KeyManagerProviderConfig, LDAPHealthCheckConfig, LDAPSyncDestinationPluginConfig, LDAPSyncSourcePluginConfig, MonitorProviderConfig, OAuthTokenHandlerConfig, PasswordGeneratorConfig, PasswordStorageSchemeConfig, PasswordValidatorConfig, PlacementAlgorithmConfig, PluginConfig, PolicyInformationProviderConfig, ProxyTransformationConfig, SASLMechanismHandlerConfig, SyncDestinationConfig, SyncPipePluginConfig, SyncSourceConfig, TokenStoreConfig, TrustManagerProviderConfig, UncachedAttributeCriteriaConfig, UncachedEntryCriteriaConfig, VirtualAttributeProviderConfig

public interface GenericConfig

This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about the general configuration for all types of extensions.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getConfigObjectDN()
          Retrieves the DN of the entry containing the configuration for this extension.
 java.lang.String getConfigObjectName()
          Retrieves the name of the configuration object for this extension.
 ServerContext getServerContext()
          Retrieves a handle to the server context for the server in which this extension is running.

Method Detail


ServerContext getServerContext()
Retrieves a handle to the server context for the server in which this extension is running.

A handle to the server context for the server in which this extension is running.


java.lang.String getConfigObjectDN()
Retrieves the DN of the entry containing the configuration for this extension.

The DN of the entry containing the configuration for this extension.


java.lang.String getConfigObjectName()
Retrieves the name of the configuration object for this extension. It will generally be the RDN value for the configuration DN.

The name of the configuration object for this extension.