Interface EqualityMatchingRule

All Superinterfaces:

public interface EqualityMatchingRule
extends MatchingRule

This interface provides an API for interacting with equality matching rules, which can be used to determine whether one value is logically equivalent to another. The definition of "logically equal to" may vary based on the matching rule implementation.

Method Summary
 boolean areEqual(com.unboundid.util.ByteString normValue1, com.unboundid.util.ByteString normValue2)
          Indicates whether the provided values are logically equal to each other.
Methods inherited from interface
equals, getDescription, getName, getNameOrOID, getOID, getSyntaxOID, hashCode, hasNameOrOID, isObsolete, normalizeValue, toString, valuesMatch

Method Detail


boolean areEqual(com.unboundid.util.ByteString normValue1,
                 com.unboundid.util.ByteString normValue2)
Indicates whether the provided values are logically equal to each other.

normValue1 - The normalized form of the first value for which to make the determination.
normValue2 - The normalized form of the second value for which to make the determination.
true if the values are considered logically equal to each other, or false if not.