Interface DeleteRequest

All Superinterfaces:
ChangeRequest, Request
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface DeleteRequest
extends ChangeRequest

This interface defines a set of methods which may be used to interact with a delete request.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDN()
          Retrieves the DN of the entry to be deleted.
 com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.controls.HardDeleteRequestControl getHardDeleteRequestControl()
          Retrieves the hard-delete request control included in the delete request if it is present.
 com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.controls.SoftDeleteRequestControl getSoftDeleteRequestControl()
          Retrieves the soft-delete request control included in the delete request if it is present.
 boolean isHardDelete()
          Indicates whether this request will result in the target entry being hard-deleted.
 boolean isSoftDelete()
          Indicates whether this request will result in the target entry being soft-deleted.
 com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyDeleteRequest toLDAPSDKRequest()
          Retrieves an LDAP SDK representation of this delete request.
 com.unboundid.ldif.LDIFDeleteChangeRecord toLDIFChangeRecord()
          Retrieves an LDIF change record that corresponds to this delete request.
Methods inherited from interface
getOperationType, getRequestControls

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDN()
Retrieves the DN of the entry to be deleted.

The DN of the entry to be deleted.


com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ReadOnlyDeleteRequest toLDAPSDKRequest()
Retrieves an LDAP SDK representation of this delete request.

An LDAP SDK representation of this delete request.


com.unboundid.ldif.LDIFDeleteChangeRecord toLDIFChangeRecord()
Retrieves an LDIF change record that corresponds to this delete request.

Specified by:
toLDIFChangeRecord in interface ChangeRequest
An LDIF change record that corresponds to this delete request.


boolean isSoftDelete()
Indicates whether this request will result in the target entry being soft-deleted. This will be true either if the SoftDeleteRequestControl is included or if the request matches the auto-soft-delete connection criteria or request criteria specified in the Soft Delete Policy for the server.

true if this request will result in the target entry being soft-deleted, false otherwise.


com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.controls.SoftDeleteRequestControl getSoftDeleteRequestControl()
Retrieves the soft-delete request control included in the delete request if it is present. Note that soft delete operations can occur without the SoftDeleteRequestControl if the request matches the auto-soft-delete connection criteria; in that case this method will return null.

the soft-delete request control if it is present in the request, otherwise null.


boolean isHardDelete()
Indicates whether this request will result in the target entry being hard-deleted. This will be true either if the HardDeleteRequestControl is included or if the request didn't match any condition necessary to make it a soft-delete.

true if this request will result in the target entry being hard-deleted, false otherwise.


com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.controls.HardDeleteRequestControl getHardDeleteRequestControl()
Retrieves the hard-delete request control included in the delete request if it is present. Note that hard delete operations can occur without the HardDeleteRequestControl. If the request is not a soft-delete, it is effectively a hard delete; the presence of the HardDeleteRequestControl just makes it explicit.

the hard-delete request control if it is present in the request, otherwise null.