Interface HTTPServletExtensionConfig

All Superinterfaces:
GenericConfig, GenericHTTPConfig

public interface HTTPServletExtensionConfig
extends GenericHTTPConfig

This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about the general configuration for an HTTP servlet extension.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getHTTPConnectionHandlerConfigDN()
          Retrieves the DN of the configuration object for the HTTP connection handler that created the servlet extension.
 java.lang.Object getHTTPServerObject()
          Retrieves a handle to an object that may be used to interact with the HTTP server itself.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getConfigObjectDN, getConfigObjectName

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getHTTPServerObject()
Retrieves a handle to an object that may be used to interact with the HTTP server itself. This is provided for internal use only by UnboundID-developed extensions, and no guarantee is made about either the type of object, or the stability of the type of that object.

A handle to an object that may be used by UnboundID-developed extensions to interact with the HTTP server itself.


java.lang.String getHTTPConnectionHandlerConfigDN()
Retrieves the DN of the configuration object for the HTTP connection handler that created the servlet extension.

The DN of the configuration object for the HTTP connection handler that created the servlet extension.