@Extensible @DirectoryServerExtension @DirectoryProxyServerExtension(appliesToLocalContent=true, appliesToRemoteContent=true, notes="Some plugin types will not be invoked for proxied operations, including pre-operation, post-operation, search result entry, search result reference, intermediate response, and subordinate modify DN. A proxy transformation may be used to achieve the same result in many cases.") @SynchronizationServerExtension(appliesToLocalContent=true, appliesToSynchronizedContent=false) @ThreadSafety(level=INTERFACE_THREADSAFE) public abstract class ScriptedPlugin
This class defines an API that must be implemented by scripted extensions which act as server plugins. There are several different kinds of plugins which may be invoked for different purposes, including:
dsconfig create-plugin \ --plugin-name "{plugin-name}" \ --type groovy-scripted \ --set enabled:true \ --set plugin-type:{plugin-type} \ --set "script-class:{class-name}" \ --set "script-argument:{name=value}"where "{plugin-name}" is the name to use for the plugin instance, "{plugin-type}" is the name of a plugin type for which the plugin should be invoked, "{class-name}" is the fully-qualified name of the Groovy class written using this API, and "{name=value}" represents name-value pairs for any arguments to provide to the plugin. If the plugin should be invoked for multiple plugin types, then the "
--set plugin-type:{plugin-type}
" option should be
provided multiple times. Similarly, if multiple arguments should be provided
to the plugin, then the
"--set script-argument:{name=value}
" option should be
provided multiple times.
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new instance of this plugin. |
Method Summary | |
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode |
applyConfiguration(PluginConfig config,
com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> adminActionsRequired,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> messages)
Attempts to apply the configuration from the provided argument parser to this extension. |
void |
defineConfigArguments(com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser)
Updates the provided argument parser to define any configuration arguments which may be used by this extension. |
IntermediateResponsePluginResult |
doIntermediateResponse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableGenericResult result,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends an intermediate response to the client. |
LDIFPluginResult |
doLDIFExport(UpdatableEntry entry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary for the provided entry to be exported from the server. |
LDIFPluginResult |
doLDIFImport(UpdatableEntry entry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary for the provided entry to be imported into the server. |
PostConnectPluginResult |
doPostConnect(ClientContext clientContext)
Performs any processing which may be necessary when the server has accepted a new client connection. |
PostDisconnectPluginResult |
doPostDisconnect(ClientContext clientContext,
DisconnectReason disconnectReason,
java.lang.String message)
Performs any processing which may be necessary when the server has terminated a client connection. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
AddRequest request,
UpdatableAddResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for an add operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
CompareRequest request,
UpdatableCompareResult result,
Entry entry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a compare operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
DeleteRequest request,
UpdatableDeleteResult result,
Entry entry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a delete operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ExtendedRequest request,
UpdatableExtendedResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for an extended operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
UpdatableModifyDNResult result,
Entry oldEntry,
Entry newEntry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a modify DN operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyRequest request,
UpdatableModifyResult result,
Entry oldEntry,
Entry newEntry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a modify operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
SASLBindRequest request,
UpdatableBindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a SASL bind operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
SimpleBindRequest request,
UpdatableBindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a simple bind operation. |
PostOperationPluginResult |
doPostOperation(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext,
SearchRequest request,
UpdatableSearchResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a response for a search operation. |
void |
doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
AddRequest request,
AddResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for an add operation which has been received from another server via replication. |
void |
doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
DeleteRequest request,
DeleteResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a delete operation which has been received from another server via replication. |
void |
doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
ModifyDNResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a modify DN operation which has been received from another server via replication. |
void |
doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyRequest request,
ModifyResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a modify operation which has been received from another server via replication. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
AddRequest request,
AddResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for an add operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
CompareRequest request,
CompareResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a compare operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
DeleteRequest request,
DeleteResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a delete operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
ExtendedRequest request,
ExtendedResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for an extended operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
ModifyDNResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a modify DN operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyRequest request,
ModifyResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a modify operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
SASLBindRequest request,
BindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a SASL bind operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext,
SimpleBindRequest request,
BindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a simple bind operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PostResponsePluginResult |
doPostResponse(CompletedSearchOperationContext operationContext,
SearchRequest request,
SearchResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary after all other processing has been completed for a search operation and the response has been sent to the client. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
AddRequest request,
UpdatableAddResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to add an entry to the appropriate backend. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
CompareRequest request,
UpdatableCompareResult result,
Entry entry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to perform the core processing for the compare. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
DeleteRequest request,
UpdatableDeleteResult result,
Entry entry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to remove the entry from the server. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ExtendedRequest request,
UpdatableExtendedResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to perform the core processing for the extended operation. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
UpdatableModifyDNResult result,
Entry oldEntry,
Entry newEntry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to update the entry in the backend. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyRequest request,
UpdatableModifyResult result,
Entry oldEntry,
Entry newEntry)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to update the entry in the backend. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
SASLBindRequest request,
UpdatableBindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to perform the authentication for a SASL bind request. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
SimpleBindRequest request,
UpdatableBindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to perform the authentication for a simple bind request. |
PreOperationPluginResult |
doPreOperation(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext,
SearchRequest request,
UpdatableSearchResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server actually attempts to process the search in the backend. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableAbandonRequest request)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for an abandon request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableAddRequest request,
UpdatableAddResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for an add request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableCompareRequest request,
UpdatableCompareResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a compare request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableDeleteRequest request,
UpdatableDeleteResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a delete request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableExtendedRequest request,
UpdatableExtendedResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for an extended request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableModifyDNRequest request,
UpdatableModifyDNResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a modify DN request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableModifyRequest request,
UpdatableModifyResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a modify request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableSASLBindRequest request,
UpdatableBindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a SASL bind request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableSimpleBindRequest request,
UpdatableBindResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a simple bind request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableUnbindRequest request)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for an unbind request. |
PreParsePluginResult |
doPreParse(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext,
UpdatableSearchRequest request,
UpdatableSearchResult result)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server starts processing for a search request. |
SearchEntryPluginResult |
doSearchEntry(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext,
SearchRequest request,
UpdatableSearchResult result,
UpdatableEntry entry,
java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a search result entry to the client. |
SearchReferencePluginResult |
doSearchReference(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext,
SearchRequest request,
UpdatableSearchResult result,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> referralURLs,
java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
Performs any processing which may be necessary before the server sends a search result reference to the client. |
void |
doShutdown(java.lang.String shutdownReason)
Performs any processing which may be necessary when the server is shutting down. |
StartupPluginResult |
Performs any processing which may be necessary when the server is starting. |
SubordinateModifyDNPluginResult |
doSubordinateModifyDN(ActiveOperationContext operationContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
UpdatableModifyDNResult result,
Entry oldSubordinateEntry,
Entry newSubordinateEntry,
java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Modification> additionalModifications)
Performs any processing which may be necessary during the course of renaming an entry which is subordinate to an entry targeted by a modify DN operation. |
void |
Performs any cleanup which may be necessary when this plugin is to be taken out of service. |
java.util.Set<StartupDependency> |
Retrieves the set of startup dependencies which must be resolved in order for this plugin to be invoked at server startup. |
void |
initializePlugin(DirectoryServerContext serverContext,
PluginConfig config,
com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser)
Initializes this plugin. |
boolean |
isConfigurationAcceptable(PluginConfig config,
com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> unacceptableReasons)
Indicates whether the configuration represented by the provided argument parser is acceptable for use by this extension. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public ScriptedPlugin()
Method Detail |
public void defineConfigArguments(com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser) throws com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException
in interface Configurable
- The argument parser to be updated with the configuration
arguments which may be used by this extension.
- If a problem is encountered while updating the
provided argument parser.public void initializePlugin(DirectoryServerContext serverContext, PluginConfig config, com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser) throws com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException
- A handle to the server context for the server in
which this extension is running.config
- The general configuration for this plugin.parser
- The argument parser which has been initialized from
the configuration for this plugin.
- If a problem occurs while initializing this plugin.public void finalizePlugin()
public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable(PluginConfig config, com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser, java.util.List<java.lang.String> unacceptableReasons)
in interface Reconfigurable<PluginConfig>
- The general configuration for this extension.parser
- The argument parser that has been used to
parse the proposed configuration for this
- A list to which messages may be added to
provide additional information about why the
provided configuration is not acceptable.
if the configuration in the provided argument parser
appears to be acceptable, or false
if not.public com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode applyConfiguration(PluginConfig config, com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser, java.util.List<java.lang.String> adminActionsRequired, java.util.List<java.lang.String> messages)
in interface Reconfigurable<PluginConfig>
- The general configuration for this extension.parser
- The argument parser that has been used to
parse the new configuration for this
- A list to which messages may be added to
provide additional information about any
additional administrative actions that may
be required to apply some of the
configuration changes.messages
- A list to which messages may be added to
provide additional information about the
processing performed by this method.
should be
used to indicate that all processing completed successfully. Any
other result will indicate that a problem occurred during
processing.public java.util.Set<StartupDependency> getStartupDependencies()
then startup processing for this plugin will be performed at
the default time during startup.
if it is not a startup plugin, or if startup processing should be
invoked at the default time during server startup.public StartupPluginResult doStartup()
public void doShutdown(java.lang.String shutdownReason)
- A message which may provide information about the
reason the server is shutting down.public LDIFPluginResult doLDIFImport(UpdatableEntry entry)
- The entry to be imported. It may be altered if desired.
public LDIFPluginResult doLDIFExport(UpdatableEntry entry)
- The entry to be exported. It may be altered if desired.
public PostConnectPluginResult doPostConnect(ClientContext clientContext)
- Information about the client connection that has
been established.
public PostDisconnectPluginResult doPostDisconnect(ClientContext clientContext, DisconnectReason disconnectReason, java.lang.String message)
- Information about the client connection that has
been established.disconnectReason
- A general reason for the disconnect.message
- A message which may provide additional
information about the disconnect. It may be
if none is available.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableAbandonRequest request)
- The context for the abandon operation.request
- The abandon request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableAddRequest request, UpdatableAddResult result)
- The context for the add operation.request
- The add request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, AddRequest request, UpdatableAddResult result)
- The context for the add operation.request
- The add request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, AddRequest request, UpdatableAddResult result)
- The context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, AddRequest request, AddResult result)
- The context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public void doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, AddRequest request, AddResult result)
- The context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableSimpleBindRequest request, UpdatableBindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, SimpleBindRequest request, UpdatableBindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, SimpleBindRequest request, UpdatableBindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, SimpleBindRequest request, BindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableSASLBindRequest request, UpdatableBindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, SASLBindRequest request, UpdatableBindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, SASLBindRequest request, UpdatableBindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, SASLBindRequest request, BindResult result)
- The context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableCompareRequest request, UpdatableCompareResult result)
- The context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, CompareRequest request, UpdatableCompareResult result, Entry entry)
- The context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.entry
- The entry targeted by the compare operation.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, CompareRequest request, UpdatableCompareResult result, Entry entry)
- The context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.entry
- The entry targeted by the compare operation, if
it exists.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, CompareRequest request, CompareResult result)
- The context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableDeleteRequest request, UpdatableDeleteResult result)
- The context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, DeleteRequest request, UpdatableDeleteResult result, Entry entry)
- The context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.entry
- The entry targeted by the delete operation.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, DeleteRequest request, UpdatableDeleteResult result, Entry entry)
- The context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.entry
- The entry targeted by the delete operation, if
it exists.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, DeleteRequest request, DeleteResult result)
- The context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public void doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, DeleteRequest request, DeleteResult result)
- The context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableExtendedRequest request, UpdatableExtendedResult result)
- The context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ExtendedRequest request, UpdatableExtendedResult result)
- The context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ExtendedRequest request, UpdatableExtendedResult result)
- The context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ExtendedRequest request, ExtendedResult result)
- The context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableModifyRequest request, UpdatableModifyResult result)
- The context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ModifyRequest request, UpdatableModifyResult result, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry)
- The context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.oldEntry
- The entry as it appeared before the modifications
were applied.newEntry
- The updated entry as it will appear after the
modifications have been applied.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ModifyRequest request, UpdatableModifyResult result, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry)
- The context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.oldEntry
- The entry as it appeared before the modifications
were applied, if it exists. .newEntry
- The entry as it appears after the modifications
have been applied, if it exists. .
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ModifyRequest request, ModifyResult result)
- The context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public void doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ModifyRequest request, ModifyResult result)
- The context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableModifyDNRequest request, UpdatableModifyDNResult result)
- The context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ModifyDNRequest request, UpdatableModifyDNResult result, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry)
- The context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.oldEntry
- The entry as it appeared before being renamed.newEntry
- The updated entry as it will appear after it has
been renamed.
public SubordinateModifyDNPluginResult doSubordinateModifyDN(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ModifyDNRequest request, UpdatableModifyDNResult result, Entry oldSubordinateEntry, Entry newSubordinateEntry, java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Modification> additionalModifications)
- The context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request being processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the
client if the plugin result indicates that
processing on the operation should be
interrupted. It may be altered if
- The subordinate entry as it appeared
before being renamed.newSubordinateEntry
- The subordinate entry as it will appear
after being renamed.additionalModifications
- A list of additional modifications that
should be applied to the entry as it is
renamed. This list may be altered if
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, ModifyDNRequest request, UpdatableModifyDNResult result, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry)
- The context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.oldEntry
- The entry as it appeared before it was renamed,
if it exists.newEntry
- The entry as it appears after it was renamed, if
it exists. .
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ModifyDNRequest request, ModifyDNResult result)
- The context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public void doPostReplication(CompletedOperationContext operationContext, ModifyDNRequest request, ModifyDNResult result)
- The context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableSearchRequest request, UpdatableSearchResult result)
- The context for the search operation.request
- The search request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public PreOperationPluginResult doPreOperation(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext, SearchRequest request, UpdatableSearchResult result)
- The context for the search operation.request
- The search request to be processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.
public SearchEntryPluginResult doSearchEntry(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext, SearchRequest request, UpdatableSearchResult result, UpdatableEntry entry, java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
- The context for the search operation.request
- The search request being processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.entry
- The entry to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.controls
- The set of controls to be included with the
entry. It may be altered if desired.
public SearchReferencePluginResult doSearchReference(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext, SearchRequest request, UpdatableSearchResult result, java.util.List<java.lang.String> referralURLs, java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
- The context for the search operation.request
- The search request being processed.result
- The result that will be returned to the client if
the plugin result indicates that processing on
the operation should be interrupted. It may be
altered if desired.referralURLs
- The set of referral URLs to be returned to the
client. It may be altered if desired.controls
- The set of controls to be included with the
reference. It may be altered if desired.
public PostOperationPluginResult doPostOperation(ActiveSearchOperationContext operationContext, SearchRequest request, UpdatableSearchResult result)
- The context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was processed.result
- The result to be returned to the client. It may
be altered if desired.
public PostResponsePluginResult doPostResponse(CompletedSearchOperationContext operationContext, SearchRequest request, SearchResult result)
- The context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was processed.result
- The result that was returned to the client.
public PreParsePluginResult doPreParse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableUnbindRequest request)
- The context for the unbind operation.request
- The unbind request to be processed. It may be
altered if desired.
public IntermediateResponsePluginResult doIntermediateResponse(ActiveOperationContext operationContext, UpdatableGenericResult result, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
- The context for the associated operation.result
- The result that will be returned to the
client if the plugin result indicates that
processing on the operation should be
interrupted. It may be altered if desired.intermediateResponse
- The intermediate response to be returned to
the client. It may be altered if desired.