@Extensible @DirectoryServerExtension @DirectoryProxyServerExtension(appliesToLocalContent=true, appliesToRemoteContent=false) @SynchronizationServerExtension(appliesToLocalContent=true, appliesToSynchronizedContent=false) @ThreadSafety(level=INTERFACE_THREADSAFE) public abstract class ScriptedFileBasedAccessLogger
This class defines an API that may be used to create a specific type of
scripted access logger which is intended to write log messages to text files.
This is a convenience for developers which wish to create custom access
loggers that write to text files and provides support for a wide range of
functionality including high-performance and highly-concurrent logging. All
of the options available to ScriptedAccessLogger
implementations are
available for file-based access loggers, as well as options for indicating
the log file path, the rotation and retention policies, whether to buffer the
output, etc.
Note that scripted file-based access loggers will automatically be registered
within the server as disk space consumers, so there is no need to implement
the DiskSpaceConsumer
interface. Also note that configuration change related to the log file
(e.g., the log file path, buffer size, queue size, etc.) will also
automatically be handled by the server, so subclasses only need to be
concerned about changes to the custom arguments they define.
dsconfig create-log-publisher \ --publisher-name "{logger-name}" \ --type groovy-scripted-file-based-access \ --set enabled:true \ --set "log-file:{path}" \ --set "rotation-policy:{rotation-policy-name}" \ --set "retention-policy:{retention-policy-name}" \ --set "script-class:{class-name}" \ --set "script-argument:{name=value}"where "{logger-name}" is the name to use for the access logger instance, "{path}" is the path to the log file to be written, "{rotation-policy-name}" is the name of the log rotation policy to use for the log file, "{retention-policy-name}" is the name of the log retention policy to use for the log file, "{class-name}" is the fully-qualified name of the Groovy class written using this API, and "{name=value}" represents name-value pairs for any arguments to provide to the logger. If multiple arguments should be provided to the logger, then the "
--set script-argument:{name=value}
option should be provided multiple times. It is also possible to specify
multiple log rotation and/or retention policies if desired.
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new instance of this access logger. |
Method Summary | |
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode |
applyConfiguration(FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig config,
com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> adminActionsRequired,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> messages)
Attempts to apply the configuration from the provided argument parser to this extension. |
void |
defineConfigArguments(com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser)
Updates the provided argument parser to define any configuration arguments which may be used by this extension. |
void |
Performs any cleanup which may be necessary when this access logger is to be taken out of service. |
void |
initializeAccessLogger(ServerContext serverContext,
FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig config,
com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser)
Initializes this access logger. |
boolean |
isConfigurationAcceptable(FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig config,
com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> unacceptableReasons)
Indicates whether the configuration represented by the provided argument parser is acceptable for use by this extension. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAbandonForward(OperationContext opContext,
AbandonRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about an abandon request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAbandonRequest(OperationContext opContext,
AbandonRequest request)
Logs a message about an abandon request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAbandonResult(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
AbandonRequest request,
GenericResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing an abandon request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAddForward(OperationContext opContext,
AddRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about an add request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAddForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
AddRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward an add request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAddRequest(OperationContext opContext,
AddRequest request)
Logs a message about an add request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logAddResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
AddRequest request,
AddResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing an add request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindForward(OperationContext opContext,
SASLBindRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a SASL bind request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindForward(OperationContext opContext,
SimpleBindRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a simple bind request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
SASLBindRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a SASL bind request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
SimpleBindRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a simple bind request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindRequest(OperationContext opContext,
SASLBindRequest request)
Logs a message about a SASL bind request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindRequest(OperationContext opContext,
SimpleBindRequest request)
Logs a message about a simple bind request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
SASLBindRequest request,
BindResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a SASL bind request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logBindResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
SimpleBindRequest request,
BindResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a simple bind request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logClientCertificateChain(ClientContext clientContext,
java.security.cert.Certificate[] certChain,
java.lang.String authDN)
Logs a message about a certificate chain presented by a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logCompareForward(OperationContext opContext,
CompareRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a compare request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logCompareForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
CompareRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a compare request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logCompareRequest(OperationContext opContext,
CompareRequest request)
Logs a message about a compare request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logCompareResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
CompareRequest request,
CompareResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a compare request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logConnect(ClientContext clientContext)
Logs a message indicating that a new connection has been established. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logDeleteForward(OperationContext opContext,
DeleteRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a delete request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logDeleteForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
DeleteRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a delete request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logDeleteRequest(OperationContext opContext,
DeleteRequest request)
Logs a message about a delete request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logDeleteResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
DeleteRequest request,
DeleteResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a delete request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logDisconnect(ClientContext clientContext,
DisconnectReason disconnectReason,
java.lang.String message)
Logs a message indicating that a connection has been closed. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logExtendedForward(OperationContext opContext,
ExtendedRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about an extended request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logExtendedForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
ExtendedRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward an extended request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logExtendedRequest(OperationContext opContext,
ExtendedRequest request)
Logs a message about an extended request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logExtendedResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
ExtendedRequest request,
ExtendedResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing an extended request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logIntermediateResponse(OperationContext opContext,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
Logs a message about an intermediate response that was returned to the client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyDNForward(OperationContext opContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a modify DN request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyDNForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a modify DN request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyDNRequest(OperationContext opContext,
ModifyDNRequest request)
Logs a message about a modify DN request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyDNResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
ModifyDNRequest request,
ModifyDNResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a modify DN request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyForward(OperationContext opContext,
ModifyRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a modify request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
ModifyRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a modify request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyRequest(OperationContext opContext,
ModifyRequest request)
Logs a message about a modify request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logModifyResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext,
ModifyRequest request,
ModifyResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a modify request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logSearchForward(OperationContext opContext,
SearchRequest request,
ForwardTarget target)
Logs a message about a search request that will be forwarded to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logSearchForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext,
SearchRequest request,
ForwardTarget target,
com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
Logs a message about a failure encountered while attempting to forward a search request to another server. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logSearchRequest(OperationContext opContext,
SearchRequest request)
Logs a message about a search request received from a client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logSearchResultDone(CompletedSearchOperationContext opContext,
SearchRequest request,
SearchResult result)
Logs a message about the result of processing a search request. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logSearchResultEntry(OperationContext opContext,
SearchRequest request,
Entry entry,
java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
Logs a message about a search result entry that was returned to the client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logSearchResultReference(OperationContext opContext,
SearchRequest request,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> referralURLs,
java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
Logs a message about a search result reference that was returned to the client. |
java.lang.CharSequence |
logUnbindRequest(OperationContext opContext,
UnbindRequest request)
Logs a message about an unbind request received from a client. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public ScriptedFileBasedAccessLogger()
Method Detail |
public void defineConfigArguments(com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser) throws com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException
in interface Configurable
- The argument parser to be updated with the configuration
arguments which may be used by this extension.
- If a problem is encountered while updating the
provided argument parser.public void initializeAccessLogger(ServerContext serverContext, FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig config, com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser) throws com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException
- A handle to the server context for the server in
which this extension is running.config
- The general configuration for this access logger.parser
- The argument parser which has been initialized from
the configuration for this access logger.
- If a problem occurs while initializing this access
logger.public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable(FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig config, com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser, java.util.List<java.lang.String> unacceptableReasons)
in interface Reconfigurable<FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig>
- The general configuration for this extension.parser
- The argument parser that has been used to
parse the proposed configuration for this
- A list to which messages may be added to
provide additional information about why the
provided configuration is not acceptable.
if the configuration in the provided argument parser
appears to be acceptable, or false
if not.public com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode applyConfiguration(FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig config, com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser parser, java.util.List<java.lang.String> adminActionsRequired, java.util.List<java.lang.String> messages)
in interface Reconfigurable<FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig>
- The general configuration for this extension.parser
- The argument parser that has been used to
parse the new configuration for this
- A list to which messages may be added to
provide additional information about any
additional administrative actions that may
be required to apply some of the
configuration changes.messages
- A list to which messages may be added to
provide additional information about the
processing performed by this method.
should be
used to indicate that all processing completed successfully. Any
other result will indicate that a problem occurred during
processing.public void finalizeAccessLogger()
public java.lang.CharSequence logConnect(ClientContext clientContext)
- Information about the client connection that has
been accepted.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logDisconnect(ClientContext clientContext, DisconnectReason disconnectReason, java.lang.String message)
- Information about the client connection that has
been closed.disconnectReason
- A general reason that the connection has been
- A message with additional information about the
closure. It may be null
if none is
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logClientCertificateChain(ClientContext clientContext, java.security.cert.Certificate[] certChain, java.lang.String authDN)
- Information about the client that presented the
certificate chain.certChain
- The certificate chain presented by the client.authDN
- The DN of the user as whom the client was
automatically authenticated, or null
if the
client was not automatically authenticated.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAbandonRequest(OperationContext opContext, AbandonRequest request)
- The operation context for the abandon operation.request
- The abandon request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAbandonForward(OperationContext opContext, AbandonRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the abandon operation.request
- The abandon request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAbandonResult(CompletedOperationContext opContext, AbandonRequest request, GenericResult result)
- The operation context for the abandon operation.request
- The abandon request that was received.result
- The result of processing the abandon request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAddRequest(OperationContext opContext, AddRequest request)
- The operation context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAddForward(OperationContext opContext, AddRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAddForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, AddRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logAddResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, AddRequest request, AddResult result)
- The operation context for the add operation.request
- The add request that was received.result
- The result of processing the add request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindRequest(OperationContext opContext, SimpleBindRequest request)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindForward(OperationContext opContext, SimpleBindRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, SimpleBindRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, SimpleBindRequest request, BindResult result)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.result
- The result of processing the bind request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindRequest(OperationContext opContext, SASLBindRequest request)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindForward(OperationContext opContext, SASLBindRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, SASLBindRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logBindResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, SASLBindRequest request, BindResult result)
- The operation context for the bind operation.request
- The bind request that was received.result
- The result of processing the bind request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logCompareRequest(OperationContext opContext, CompareRequest request)
- The operation context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logCompareForward(OperationContext opContext, CompareRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logCompareForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, CompareRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logCompareResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, CompareRequest request, CompareResult result)
- The operation context for the compare operation.request
- The compare request that was received.result
- The result of processing the compare request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logDeleteRequest(OperationContext opContext, DeleteRequest request)
- The operation context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logDeleteForward(OperationContext opContext, DeleteRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logDeleteForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, DeleteRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logDeleteResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, DeleteRequest request, DeleteResult result)
- The operation context for the delete operation.request
- The delete request that was received.result
- The result of processing the delete request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logExtendedRequest(OperationContext opContext, ExtendedRequest request)
- The operation context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logExtendedForward(OperationContext opContext, ExtendedRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logExtendedForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, ExtendedRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logExtendedResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, ExtendedRequest request, ExtendedResult result)
- The operation context for the extended operation.request
- The extended request that was received.result
- The result of processing the extended request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyRequest(OperationContext opContext, ModifyRequest request)
- The operation context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyForward(OperationContext opContext, ModifyRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, ModifyRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, ModifyRequest request, ModifyResult result)
- The operation context for the modify operation.request
- The modify request that was received.result
- The result of processing the modify request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyDNRequest(OperationContext opContext, ModifyDNRequest request)
- The operation context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyDNForward(OperationContext opContext, ModifyDNRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyDNForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, ModifyDNRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logModifyDNResponse(CompletedOperationContext opContext, ModifyDNRequest request, ModifyDNResult result)
- The operation context for the modify DN operation.request
- The modify DN request that was received.result
- The result of processing the modify DN request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logSearchRequest(OperationContext opContext, SearchRequest request)
- The operation context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logSearchForward(OperationContext opContext, SearchRequest request, ForwardTarget target)
- The operation context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request will
be forwarded.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logSearchForwardFailure(OperationContext opContext, SearchRequest request, ForwardTarget target, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException failure)
- The operation context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was received.target
- Information about the server to which the request was
- The exception that was received when attempting to
forward the request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logSearchResultEntry(OperationContext opContext, SearchRequest request, Entry entry, java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
- The operation context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was received.entry
- The entry that was returned.controls
- The set of controls included with the entry, or an empty
list if there were none.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logSearchResultReference(OperationContext opContext, SearchRequest request, java.util.List<java.lang.String> referralURLs, java.util.List<com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control> controls)
- The operation context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was received.referralURLs
- The referral URLs for the reference that was
- The set of controls included with the reference, or
an empty list if there were none.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logSearchResultDone(CompletedSearchOperationContext opContext, SearchRequest request, SearchResult result)
- The operation context for the search operation.request
- The search request that was received.result
- The result of processing the search request.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logUnbindRequest(OperationContext opContext, UnbindRequest request)
- The operation context for the unbind operation.request
- The unbind request that was received.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.public java.lang.CharSequence logIntermediateResponse(OperationContext opContext, com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse)
- The operation context for the associated
- The intermediate response that was returned.
or empty if no message should be written. It may
optionally include line breaks if the log message should span
multiple lines.