Interface SyncClass

public interface SyncClass

This interface represents the matched Sync Class for a SyncOperation. While several Sync Classes may be defined for a Sync Pipe, an operation will only match at most one of them. This can be used to obtain some of the configured values for a particular Sync Class.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the configured description for this Sync Class.
 java.util.List<java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getDestinationCorrelationAttributes()
          Returns the set(s) of destination correlation attributes that are configured on this Sync Class.
 java.util.List<java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getDestinationCorrelationAttributesOnDelete()
          Returns the set(s) of destination correlation attributes that are configured on this Sync Class for DELETE operations.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getDestinationCreateOnlyAttributes()
          Returns the set of attributes that are never allowed to be modified once an entry is created.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of this Sync Class.
 boolean isCreatesAsModifies()
          Returns whether this Sync class will convert create operations into modify operations if the destination entry to be modified already exists.
 boolean isIgnoreZeroLengthValues()
          Returns whether this Sync Class will prevent writes to the destination that contain empty (zero-length) values.
 boolean isModifiesAsCreates()
          Returns whether this Sync class will convert modify operations into create operations if the destination entry to be modified does not exist.
 boolean isUseReversibleForm()
          Returns whether this Sync Class will use the ADD/DELETE modification type or the REPLACE modification type when making modifications on the destination.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of this Sync Class.

a String representing the name of this Sync Class. This will never be null.


java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the configured description for this Sync Class.

a String representing the description for this Sync Class. This may be null if no description is configured.


java.util.List<java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getDestinationCorrelationAttributes()
Returns the set(s) of destination correlation attributes that are configured on this Sync Class. When multiple attribute sets are configured, the server iterates through them and uses the first one that matches a single entry. Note that if the destination-correlation-attributes-on-delete property is set, then only those attributes will be used when correlating deleted entries.

a List of attribute sets. This will never be null.


java.util.List<java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>> getDestinationCorrelationAttributesOnDelete()
Returns the set(s) of destination correlation attributes that are configured on this Sync Class for DELETE operations. When multiple attribute sets are configured, the server iterates through them and uses the first one that matches a single entry. Note that if the destination-correlation-attributes-on-delete property is not set, then the standard destination correlation attributes will be used to correlate deleted entries.

a List of attribute sets. This will never be null.


java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getDestinationCreateOnlyAttributes()
Returns the set of attributes that are never allowed to be modified once an entry is created.

a Collection of attribute names. This will never be null.


boolean isIgnoreZeroLengthValues()
Returns whether this Sync Class will prevent writes to the destination that contain empty (zero-length) values. Some servers do not allow this behavior.

true if this Sync Class is configured to ignore zero-length values (e.g. prevent them from being written), or false otherwise.


boolean isUseReversibleForm()
Returns whether this Sync Class will use the ADD/DELETE modification type or the REPLACE modification type when making modifications on the destination.

true if the ADD/DELETE modification types will be use, false if the REPLACE modification type will be used.


boolean isModifiesAsCreates()
Returns whether this Sync class will convert modify operations into create operations if the destination entry to be modified does not exist.

true if the Sync Class will allow modifies to be converted to creates, false otherwise.


boolean isCreatesAsModifies()
Returns whether this Sync class will convert create operations into modify operations if the destination entry to be modified already exists.

true if the Sync Class will allow creates to be converted to modifies, false otherwise.