Interface SearchResultProvider

public interface SearchResultProvider

This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to cause the Directory Proxy Server to send search result entries and/or references to the client in the course of processing a proxy transformation.

Method Summary
 boolean sendEntry(SearchResultEntry entry, boolean applyTransformations)
          Attempts to return the provided search result entry to the client.
 boolean sendReference(SearchResultReference reference, boolean applyTransformations)
          Attempts to return the provided search result reference to the client.

Method Detail


boolean sendEntry(SearchResultEntry entry,
                  boolean applyTransformations)
Attempts to return the provided search result entry to the client.

entry - The entry to return to the client.
applyTransformations - Indicates whether to apply any configured proxy transformations to the entry before returning it to the client.
true if the caller may attempt to send additional entries or references to the client if desired, or false if not (e.g., because the size limit or time limit has been exceeded, or because the connection has been closed).


boolean sendReference(SearchResultReference reference,
                      boolean applyTransformations)
Attempts to return the provided search result reference to the client.

reference - The reference to return to the client.
applyTransformations - Indicates whether to apply any configured proxy transformations to the reference before returning it to the client.
true if the caller may attempt to send additional entries or references to the client if desired, or false if not (e.g., because the size limit or time limit has been exceeded, or because the connection has been closed).