
This package defines a number of data types for use in extensions primarily intended for use in the UnboundID Directory Server, although they may also be applicable to other UnboundID server products in certain contexts.


Interface Summary
BackendContext This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to interact with a backend that has been defined in the server.
ChangeSubscription This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to interact with a change subscription that has been defined in the server.
DirectoryServerContext This interface may be used to obtain information about the Directory Server (or related product) in which an extension is running.
RegisteredBackendInitializationListener This interface is used to mark an object which has been registered with the server as a backend initialization listener.
RegisteredChangeListener This interface is used to mark an object which has been registered with the server as a change notification listener.
TaskContext This interface may be used to obtain information about an administrative task which is being processed.

Class Summary
IntermediateResponsePluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by an intermediate response plugin.
LDIFPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by an LDIF import or export plugin.
PostConnectPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a post-connect plugin.
PostDisconnectPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a post-disconnect plugin.
PostOperationPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a post-operation plugin.
PostResponsePluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a post-response plugin.
PreOperationPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a pre-operation plugin.
PreParsePluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a pre-parse plugin.
SearchEntryPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a search entry plugin.
SearchReferencePluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a search reference plugin.
StartupPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a startup plugin.
SubordinateModifyDNPluginResult This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a subordinate modify DN plugin.

Enum Summary
IndexType This class implements an enumeration that may be used to define the ways in which an attribute may be indexed within the directory server.
StartupDependency This enum defines a set of dependencies that may need to be satisfied by a component which is to be invoked at server startup.
TaskReturnState This enum defines the states that a task may have after it has completed processing.
WritabilityMode This class implements an enumeration that may be used to control the writability mode for the entire server or for a specific backend.

Package Description

This package defines a number of data types for use in extensions primarily intended for use in the UnboundID Directory Server, although they may also be applicable to other UnboundID server products in certain contexts.