
This package defines a number of data types for use in extensions intended for use in the UnboundID Synchronization Server.


Interface Summary
SyncClass This interface represents the matched Sync Class for a SyncOperation.
SyncOperation This interface represents a single synchronized change from the Sync Source to the Sync Destination.
SyncServerContext This interface may be used to obtain information about the Synchronization Server in which an extension is running.

Class Summary
DatabaseChangeRecord This class represents the basis for a single database change record.
DatabaseChangeRecord.Builder This class is used to construct DatabaseChangeRecord instances.
SetStartpointOptions Used to identify how to set the starting point for synchronization (beginning of changelog, end of changelog, based on a change sequence number, etc).
TransactionContext This class wraps an open JDBC Connection and provides controlled access to it via a handful of delegating methods.

Enum Summary
CompletionStatus This class contains the possible completion reasons for a synchronization operation.
DatabaseChangeRecord.ChangeType Potential types of database changes.
PostStepResult This result is returned by plugins that are invoked after step of the synchronization processing.
PreStepResult This result is returned by plugins that are invoked before a step of the synchronization processing.
SetStartpointOptions.StartpointType The possible startpoint types.
SyncOperationType The type of a Sync Operation.

Exception Summary
EndpointException This class provides a type of Exception which is used to indicate an error when interfacing with an external resource.

Package Description

This package defines a number of data types for use in extensions intended for use in the UnboundID Synchronization Server.