Class SearchReferencePluginResult

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SearchReferencePluginResult
extends java.lang.Object

This class defines a structure which may be used to provide information about the result of the processing performed by a search reference plugin.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static SearchReferencePluginResult SUCCESS
          A predefined result instance that indicates all processing completed successfully.
Constructor Summary
SearchReferencePluginResult(boolean connectionTerminated, boolean continuePluginProcessing, boolean sendReference, boolean continueSearchProcessing)
          Creates a new search reference plugin result with the provided information.
Method Summary
 boolean connectionTerminated()
          Indicates whether the client connection was terminated by the plugin.
 boolean continuePluginProcessing()
          Indicates whether to continue processing other search reference plugins for the associated search reference.
 boolean continueSearchProcessing()
          Indicates whether to continue processing for the associated search operation.
 boolean sendReference()
          Indicates whether the associated reference should be returned to the client.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Retrieves a string representation of this search reference plugin result.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final SearchReferencePluginResult SUCCESS
A predefined result instance that indicates all processing completed successfully.

Constructor Detail


public SearchReferencePluginResult(boolean connectionTerminated,
                                   boolean continuePluginProcessing,
                                   boolean sendReference,
                                   boolean continueSearchProcessing)
Creates a new search reference plugin result with the provided information.

connectionTerminated - Indicates whether the client connection was terminated by the plugin.
continuePluginProcessing - Indicates whether to continue processing other search reference plugins for the reference.
sendReference - Indicates whether to send the reference to the client.
continueSearchProcessing - Indicates whether to continue processing the associated search operation.
Method Detail


public boolean connectionTerminated()
Indicates whether the client connection was terminated by the plugin.

true if the client connection was terminated by the plugin, or false if not.


public boolean continuePluginProcessing()
Indicates whether to continue processing other search reference plugins for the associated search reference.

true if the server should continue processing other search reference plugins for the associated search reference, or false if not.


public boolean continueSearchProcessing()
Indicates whether to continue processing for the associated search operation.

true if the server should continue processing for the associated search operation, or false if not and the search done response should be sent to the client.


public boolean sendReference()
Indicates whether the associated reference should be returned to the client.

true if the reference should be returned to the client, or false if the server should exclude the reference from the set of search results.


public java.lang.String toString()
Retrieves a string representation of this search reference plugin result.

toString in class java.lang.Object
A string representation of this search reference plugin result.