Interface AttributeSyntax

public interface AttributeSyntax

This interface provides an API for interacting with attribute syntaxes, which can be used to constrain the kinds of data that may be stored in associated attributes.

Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
          Indicates whether the provided object is equal to this attribute syntax.
 ApproximateMatchingRule getDefaultApproximateMatchingRule()
          Retrieves the default approximate matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own approximate matching rule.
 EqualityMatchingRule getDefaultEqualityMatchingRule()
          Retrieves the default equality matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own equality matching rule.
 OrderingMatchingRule getDefaultOrderingMatchingRule()
          Retrieves the default ordering matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own ordering matching rule.
 SubstringMatchingRule getDefaultSubstringMatchingRule()
          Retrieves the default substring matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own substring matching rule.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Retrieves the description for this attribute syntax, if any.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Retrieves the name for this attribute syntax, if any.
 java.lang.String getNameOrOID()
          Retrieves the name for this attribute syntax, or the numeric OID if it does not have a name.
 java.lang.String getOID()
          Retrieves the numeric OID for this attribute syntax.
 int hashCode()
          Retrieves the hash code for this attribute syntax.
 boolean hasNameOrOID(java.lang.String name)
          Indicates whether the provided string matches the name or numeric OID for this attribute syntax.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Retrieves a string representation of this attribute syntax.
 boolean valueIsAcceptable(ByteString value, java.lang.StringBuilder invalidReason)
          Indicates whether the provided value is acceptable for use with this attribute syntax.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getOID()
Retrieves the numeric OID for this attribute syntax.

The numeric OID for this attribute syntax.


java.lang.String getName()
Retrieves the name for this attribute syntax, if any.

The name for this attribute syntax, or null if it does not have a name.


java.lang.String getNameOrOID()
Retrieves the name for this attribute syntax, or the numeric OID if it does not have a name.

The name for this attribute syntax, or the numeric OID if it does not have a name.


boolean hasNameOrOID(java.lang.String name)
Indicates whether the provided string matches the name or numeric OID for this attribute syntax.

name - The name for which to make the determination.
true if the provided string matches the name or numeric OID for this attribute syntax, or false if not.


java.lang.String getDescription()
Retrieves the description for this attribute syntax, if any.

The description for this attribute syntax, or null if it does not have a description.


EqualityMatchingRule getDefaultEqualityMatchingRule()
Retrieves the default equality matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own equality matching rule.

The default equality matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax, or null if there is no default equality matching rule.


OrderingMatchingRule getDefaultOrderingMatchingRule()
Retrieves the default ordering matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own ordering matching rule.

The default ordering matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax, or null if there is no default ordering matching rule.


SubstringMatchingRule getDefaultSubstringMatchingRule()
Retrieves the default substring matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own substring matching rule.

The default substring matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax, or null if there is no default substring matching rule.


ApproximateMatchingRule getDefaultApproximateMatchingRule()
Retrieves the default approximate matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax which do not explicitly specify their own approximate matching rule.

The default approximate matching rule that will be used for attribute types with this syntax, or null if there is no default approximate matching rule.


boolean valueIsAcceptable(ByteString value,
                          java.lang.StringBuilder invalidReason)
Indicates whether the provided value is acceptable for use with this attribute syntax.

value - The value for which to make the determination.
invalidReason - A buffer to which a message may be appended with information about why the given value is not acceptable.
true if the provided value is acceptable for use with this attribute syntax, or false if not.


int hashCode()
Retrieves the hash code for this attribute syntax.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
The hash code for this attribute syntax.


boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Indicates whether the provided object is equal to this attribute syntax.

equals in class java.lang.Object
o - The object for which to make the determination.
true if the provided object is equal to this attribute syntax, or false if not.


java.lang.String toString()
Retrieves a string representation of this attribute syntax.

toString in class java.lang.Object
A string representation of this attribute syntax.