Interface Result

All Known Subinterfaces:
AddResult, BindResult, CompareResult, DeleteResult, ExtendedResult, GenericResult, ModifyDNResult, ModifyResult, SearchResult, UpdatableAddResult, UpdatableBindResult, UpdatableCompareResult, UpdatableDeleteResult, UpdatableExtendedResult, UpdatableGenericResult, UpdatableModifyDNResult, UpdatableModifyResult, UpdatableResult, UpdatableSearchResult

public interface Result

This interface defines a set of methods which may be used to interact with operation results.

Method Summary
 OperationType getOperationType()
          Retrieves the operation type for this result.
 java.util.List<Control> getResultControls()
          Retrieves the set of controls included in the result.

Method Detail


java.util.List<Control> getResultControls()
Retrieves the set of controls included in the result.

The set of controls included in the result.


OperationType getOperationType()
Retrieves the operation type for this result.

The operation type for this result.