Interface FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig

All Superinterfaces:

public interface FileBasedAccessLoggerConfig
extends GenericConfig

This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain information about the general configuration for a file-based access logger.

Method Summary getLogFile()
          Retrieves the path to the log file to which new log messages will be written.
 LogWriter getLogWriter()
          Returns the underlying writer for the server access log, which can be used to log arbitrary messages back through the core server logging framework.
Methods inherited from interface
getConfigObjectDN, getConfigObjectName, getServerContext

Method Detail

getLogFile getLogFile()
Retrieves the path to the log file to which new log messages will be written.

The path to the log file to which new log messages will be written.


LogWriter getLogWriter()
Returns the underlying writer for the server access log, which can be used to log arbitrary messages back through the core server logging framework.

a LogWriter instance.