Interface DeleteResult

All Superinterfaces:
GenericResult, Result
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface DeleteResult
extends GenericResult

This interface defines a set of methods which may be used to interact with delete results.

Method Summary
 Entry getDeletedEntry()
          Retrieves the entry against which the delete operation was processed, if available.
 Entry getSoftDeletedEntry()
          Retrieves the soft-deleted entry if this DeleteResult is in response to a soft-delete request.
Methods inherited from interface
getAdditionalLogMessage, getDiagnosticMessage, getMatchedDN, getReferralURLs, getResultCode, toLDAPSDKResult
Methods inherited from interface
getOperationType, getResultControls

Method Detail


Entry getDeletedEntry()
Retrieves the entry against which the delete operation was processed, if available. This may be available for both hard and soft deletes.

The entry against which the delete operation was processed, or null if the entry is not available.


Entry getSoftDeletedEntry()
Retrieves the soft-deleted entry if this DeleteResult is in response to a soft-delete request.

The soft-deleted entry, or null if the original request was not a soft delete request or the entry is not available.