Interface ObjectClass

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      Indicates whether the provided object is equal to this object class.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Retrieves the description for this object class, if any.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getExtensions()
      Retrieves a map of all defined extensions for this object class.
      java.lang.String getNameOrOID()
      Retrieves the primary name for this object class, or the numeric OID if no names are defined.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getNames()
      Retrieves the list of names for this object class, if any.
      ObjectClassType getObjectClassType()
      Retrieves the object class type for this object class.
      java.lang.String getOID()
      Retrieves the numeric OID for this object class.
      java.util.Set<AttributeType> getOptionalAttributeChain()
      Retrieves the set of optional attributes for this object class and all of its superior classes.
      java.util.Set<AttributeType> getOptionalAttributes()
      Retrieves the set of optional attributes for this object class.
      java.util.Set<AttributeType> getRequiredAttributeChain()
      Retrieves the set of required attributes for this object class and all of its superior classes.
      java.util.Set<AttributeType> getRequiredAttributes()
      Retrieves the set of required attributes for this object class.
      java.lang.String getSchemaFileName()
      Retrieves the name of the schema file in which this object class is defined.
      java.util.List<ObjectClass> getSuperiorClasses()
      Retrieves the immediate superior classes for this object class, if any.
      int hashCode()
      Retrieves a hash code for this object class.
      boolean hasNameOrOID​(java.lang.String name)
      Indicates whether the provided string is equal to the OID or any of the defined names for this object class.
      boolean isObsolete()
      Indicates whether this object class is declared obsolete in the server schema.
      boolean isOptional​(AttributeType t)
      Indicates whether the provided attribute type is optional for use with this object class or any of its superior classes.
      boolean isRequired​(AttributeType t)
      Indicates whether the provided attribute type is required for use with this object class or any of its superior classes.
      boolean isRequiredOrOptional​(AttributeType t)
      Indicates whether the provided attribute type is allowed for use with this object class or any of its superior classes, either as a required or optional type.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Retrieves a string representation of this object class definition.
    • Method Detail

      • getOID

        java.lang.String getOID()
        Retrieves the numeric OID for this object class.
        The numeric OID for this object class.
      • getNames

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getNames()
        Retrieves the list of names for this object class, if any.
        The list of names for this object class, or an empty list if there are no user-defined names.
      • getNameOrOID

        java.lang.String getNameOrOID()
        Retrieves the primary name for this object class, or the numeric OID if no names are defined.
        The primary name or OID for this object class.
      • hasNameOrOID

        boolean hasNameOrOID​(java.lang.String name)
        Indicates whether the provided string is equal to the OID or any of the defined names for this object class.
        name - The name for which to make the determination.
        true if the provided string matches the OID or one of the names for this object class, or false if not.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Retrieves the description for this object class, if any.
        The description for this object class, or null if it does not have a description.
      • getSuperiorClasses

        Retrieves the immediate superior classes for this object class, if any.
        The immediate superior classes for this object class, or an empty list if this object class does not have any superior classes.
      • getRequiredAttributes

        Retrieves the set of required attributes for this object class. This set will only include the required attributes defined for this object class itself and not those of its superior classes.
        The set of required attributes for this object class, or an empty list if it does not have any required attributes.
      • getRequiredAttributeChain

        Retrieves the set of required attributes for this object class and all of its superior classes.
        The set of required attributes for this object class and all of its superior classes, or an empty list if it does not have any required attributes.
      • isRequired

        boolean isRequired​(AttributeType t)
        Indicates whether the provided attribute type is required for use with this object class or any of its superior classes.
        t - The attribute type for which to make the definition.
        true if the provided attribute type is required for use with this object class, or false if not.
      • getOptionalAttributes

        Retrieves the set of optional attributes for this object class. This set will only include the optional attributes defined for this object class itself and not those of its superior classes.
        The set of optional attributes for this object class, or an empty list if it does not have any optional attributes.
      • getOptionalAttributeChain

        Retrieves the set of optional attributes for this object class and all of its superior classes.
        The set of optional attributes for this object class and all of its superior classes, or an empty list if it does not have any optional attributes.
      • isOptional

        boolean isOptional​(AttributeType t)
        Indicates whether the provided attribute type is optional for use with this object class or any of its superior classes.
        t - The attribute type for which to make the definition.
        true if the provided attribute type is optional for use with this object class, or false if not.
      • isRequiredOrOptional

        boolean isRequiredOrOptional​(AttributeType t)
        Indicates whether the provided attribute type is allowed for use with this object class or any of its superior classes, either as a required or optional type.
        t - The attribute type for which to make the definition.
        true if the provided attribute type is allowed for use with this object class, or false if not.
      • getObjectClassType

        ObjectClassType getObjectClassType()
        Retrieves the object class type for this object class.
        The object class type for this object class.
      • isObsolete

        boolean isObsolete()
        Indicates whether this object class is declared obsolete in the server schema.
        true if this object class is declared obsolete in the server schema, or false if not.
      • getExtensions

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getExtensions()
        Retrieves a map of all defined extensions for this object class.
        A map of all defined extensions for this object class.
      • getSchemaFileName

        java.lang.String getSchemaFileName()
        Retrieves the name of the schema file in which this object class is defined.
        The name of the schema file in which this object class is defined.
      • equals

        boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Indicates whether the provided object is equal to this object class.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        o - The object for which to make the determination.
        true if the provided object is equal to this object class, or false if not.
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Retrieves a hash code for this object class.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        A hash code for this object class.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        Retrieves a string representation of this object class definition.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string representation of this object class definition.