
UnboundID Logo



This represents a series of related data gathered for a metric. A series may also contain sub-DataSeriess when multiple dimensions are selected as the pivot during the query. For example, if a metric query is pivoted by instance and op-type, there will be a DataSeries for each of the instances and the aggregated data. Each DataSeries is further broken down into sub-series for each op-type and its corresponding data. Logically, it will look like:

server1: data [3 4 5]
- add: data [1 0 3]
- delete: data [1 3 0]
- modify: data [1 1 2]
server2: data [5 2 4]
- add: data [0 1 1]
- delete: data [3 1 0]
- modify: data [2 0 3]


property type description
label string The label for this series.
lastCompleteIndex int (no documentation provided)
minValue float (no documentation provided)
maxValue float (no documentation provided)
data data (float) The data for this series.
subSeries array of subSeries/series (dataSeries) Set of sub-series for this series.