Metrics Engine REST API Reference

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Available Since: 4.0

List LDAPSLAs that match the constraints provided by the query parameters.


name description type default
application-name Limits the result to SLAs that are monitoring the specified application. If not specified all applications are used. To specify more than one application include this parameter multiple times. query
op-type Limits the result to SLAs that are monitoring the specified LDAP operation. If not specified all operations are used. To specify more than one operation include this parameter multiple times. query
instance Limits the result to SLAs that are have instance as a source. If not specified all instances are used. Valid instance IDs are contained in the id attribute of the result from resource InstancesResource. To select by more than one server, include this parameter multiple times. query
limit Specifies how many results should be returned. The default is to return all results. This is used in conjunction with the offset parameter to page through a large result set. query 0
offset Specifies how many results to skip for the first returned result. This is used in conjunction with the limit parameter to page through a large result set. query 0

Response Body

result: LDAPSLAsResponse
media types: application/xml

The SLAs result as an LDAPSLAsResponse.

Status Codes

code description
200 Success
400 Invalid parameter
500 Internal error