This view represents the structural relationships between components and indicates how certain components can exist only within container components.
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Connection and operation classification, The core server, Backends and caching, Logging, monitoring, and notifications, Metrics Engine, Security and authorization, Authentication and password management
Connection and operation classification
Connection Criteria
Request Criteria
Result Criteria
Search Entry Criteria
Search Reference Criteria
The core server
Connection Handler
Extended Operation Handler
External Server
Global Configuration
HTTP Servlet Extension
Plugin Root
Root DN
Root DSE Backend
Web Application Extension
Work Queue
Backends and caching
Logging, monitoring, and notifications
Alert Handler
LDAP SDK Debug Logger
Log Field Mapping
Log Publisher
Log Retention Policy
Log Rotation Policy
Monitor Provider
Metrics Engine
Monitoring Configuration
Monitoring Database
Prefetched Metric Query
Security and authorization
Access Control Handler
Crypto Manager
Key Manager Provider
Trust Manager Provider
Authentication and password management
Certificate Mapper
Identity Mapper
Password Generator
Password Policy
Password Storage Scheme
Password Validator
SASL Mechanism Handler