property |
type |
description |
editable |
editable (boolean)
url |
url (string)
scopeIds |
array of scopeIds (string)
iconUri |
iconUri (string)
externalIdentityProviders |
array of externalIdentityProviders (externalIdentityProvider)
trustedCORSOrigins |
array of trustedCORSOrigins (string)
emailAddress |
emailAddress (string)
redirectUrls |
array of redirectUrls (string)
refreshTokenValiditySeconds |
refreshTokenValiditySeconds (int)
tagIds |
array of tagIds (string)
trustLevel |
trustLevel (trustLevel)
accessTokenValiditySeconds |
accessTokenValiditySeconds (int)
authorizationCodeValiditySeconds |
authorizationCodeValiditySeconds (int)
clientId |
clientId (string)
restrictScopes |
restrictScopes (boolean)
idTokenValiditySeconds |
idTokenValiditySeconds (int)
signingAlgorithm |
signingAlgorithm (string)
scopes |
array of scopes (scope)
grantTypes |
array of grantTypes (string)
clientSecret |
clientSecret (string)
id |
id (string)
description |
description (string)
externalIdentityProviderIds |
array of externalIdentityProviderIds (string)
lastConsentRevocationTime |
lastConsentRevocationTime (dateTime)
tags |
array of tags (tag)
consentValiditySeconds |
consentValiditySeconds (int)
trustLevelId |
trustLevelId (string)
name |
name (string)
deletable |
deletable (boolean)
lastTokenRevocationTime |
lastTokenRevocationTime (dateTime)
restrictExternalIdentityProviders |
restrictExternalIdentityProviders (boolean)