Identity Broker REST API Reference

UnboundID Logo


Mount Point: /metadata/v1/{userId}/links/

The following operations are supported on this resource:


Retrieves existing links.


name description type default
userId The requested SCIM user ID. path
startIndex The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. A null value is equivalent to 0. query 0
count The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. A null value signifies no maximum. query
includeUnlinked true to include providers that are not currently linked but a link may be added. Unlinked providers will not have a value for the providerUserId field. query false

Response Body

result: externalIdentity
media types: application/json

Paged list of links associated with the given user.

Status Codes

code description
200 Success


Add a new link non-interactively.


name description type default
userId The requested SCIM user ID. path
provider The External Identity Provider name. query

Request Body

element: externalIdentity
media types: application/json

The link to add.

Response Body

result: externalIdentity
media types: application/json

Newly added link.

Status Codes

code description
201 Success
400 Bad Request


Removes an existing link.


name description type default
userId The requested SCIM user ID. path
provider The External Identity Provider name. Can be null to match all links. query

Status Codes

code description
204 Success
404 No such object