Mount Point: /privacy/v1/consents/self/resources/{resourceId}/
Gets consents associated with the OAuth2 token bearer and resource.
name | description | type | default |
resourceId | The resource id to get consents for. | path | |
startIndex | The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. A null value is equivalent to 0. | query | 0 |
count | The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. A null value signifies no maximum. | query | |
includeGroups | true to return consents where resourceId may be a member of a resource group in the consented resources list. Otherwise false means the resourceId must be explicitly listed in the consented resources list. The default is true. | query | true |
Response Body
result: | consent |
media types: | application/json |
Paged list of consents associated with the given owner and resource.
Status Codes
code | description |
200 | Success |
404 | No such object |