Interface JDBCSyncSourceConfig

    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the description for this Sync Source.
        the description, or null if there is none set.
      • getMaxOpenConnections

        int getMaxOpenConnections()
        Gets the maximum number of connections that the Sync Source is allowed to have open to the database at a given time.
        an integer between 1 and 1000
      • getDatabaseEntryType

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getDatabaseEntryType()
        Gets the list of configured database entry types that are used to uniquely identify a set of data in the database that makes up an LDAP entry. Changes that do not match one of these entry types are dropped by the sync source.
        a set of database entry types
      • getIgnoreChangesByUser

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getIgnoreChangesByUser()
        Gets the configured users from which detected changes will be ignored.

        This is particularly useful when using the Data Sync Server to sync changes back to this source (i.e. bi-directional sync). In this case, a unique user account would be used by the Sync Pipe that applies changes to this source, and that user would be in this list to prevent those changes from being synchronized back to their original source.

        the set of database login names from which changes will be ignored
      • getChangelogMaximumAge

        long getChangelogMaximumAge()
        Gets the configured amount of time (in milliseconds) after which changelog entries should be deleted from the changelog or corresponding table in the database.
        a long value that is greater than or equal to 1