Interface SCIMServerContext

    • Method Detail

      • getSCIMSchemas

        java.util.Collection<com.unboundid.scim2.common.types.SchemaResource> getSCIMSchemas()
        Retrieves all SCIM 2 schemas.
        All SCIM 2 schemas.
      • registerSCIMSchema

        void registerSCIMSchema​(com.unboundid.scim2.common.types.SchemaResource schema)
        Registers a SCIM schema with the server, making it available via the SCIM 2 schemas endpoint.

        Note that this method need only be called by an extension that builds its schema programmatically; any SCIM schema that was declared in the server configuration will already be available via the SCIM 2 schemas endpoint.

        schema - The schema to register.
      • deregisterSCIMSchema

        void deregisterSCIMSchema​(com.unboundid.scim2.common.types.SchemaResource schema)
        Deregisters a SCIM schema with the server.
        schema - The SCIM schema to deregister.
      • getIDAttribute

        java.lang.String getIDAttribute​(java.lang.String scimResourceType)
                                 throws com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ScimException
        Gets the SCIM ID attribute value for a SCIM Resource Type.

        A SCIM ID acts as the unique identifier for a SCIM resource, and is used for retrieve, update, and delete operations for that resource. The SCIM ID attribute is the native data store attribute that stores a SCIM resource's ID. For Ping Identity Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server, this attribute is always "entryUUID". For PingAuthorize Server, this attribute is defined in the SCIM Resource Type configuration and may vary by deployment.

        scimResourceType - The name of a SCIM Resource Type.
        The resource type's ID attribute value. For example, "entryUUID".
        com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ScimException - If the specified SCIM Resource Type does not exist.
      • getSCIMLDAPInterface

        SCIMLDAPInterface getSCIMLDAPInterface​(java.lang.String scimResourceType)
                                        throws com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ScimException
        Creates a SCIMLDAPInterface instance, which provides a set of helper methods for SCIM 2 extensions to interact with a Ping LDAP server, using the same privileges as the server itself.
        scimResourceType - The name of a SCIM Resource Type, such as "Users". If the server is PingAuthorize Server, then this SCIM Resource Type's primary store adapter must be an LDAP store adapter, and the backing LDAP servers must be Ping LDAP servers.
        A SCIMLDAPRequestHelper instance.
        com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ScimException - If the SCIMLDAPRequestHelper cannot be created.
      • getLDAPAttributeMapper

        SCIMLDAPAttributeMapper getLDAPAttributeMapper​(Schema ldapSchema,
                                                       com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Creates a SCIMLDAPAttributeMapper instance, which provides a set of methods for converting to and from SCIM and LDAP attribute values.
        ldapSchema - The LDAP server's schema. This may be obtained by calling SCIMLDAPInterface.getSchema().
        objectMapper - A Jackson ObjectMapper instance. Extensions can create a new instance by calling the SCIM 2 SDK method JsonUtils#createObjectMapper().
        A SCIMLDAPAttributeMapper instance.