Interface DataSecurityAuditorEntryReporter

    • Method Detail

      • reportEntry

        void reportEntry​(@NotNull
                         Entry entryToReport,
                         AuditSeverity auditSeverity,
                         java.lang.String[] objectClasses,
                         Attribute... attributesForReportEntry)
        Reports the provided entry has having one or more issues identified by a data security auditor.
        entryToReport - The entry with for which the issues were identified.
        auditSeverity - The severity to use for the reported issue(s). It must not be null.
        objectClasses - The set of object classes to use for the entry included in the report. It must not be null or empty.
        attributesForReportEntry - A set of attributes to use for the entry included in the report. It may be null or empty if the report entry does not require any additional attributes other than those that will be automatically generated.
        Throws: - If a problem occurs while attempting to write the generated entry to the report file.