Interface AccountStatusNotification

    • Method Detail

      • getUserDN

        java.lang.String getUserDN()
        Retrieves the DN of the user entry to which this notification applies.
        The DN of the user entry to which this notification applies.
      • getUserEntry

        Entry getUserEntry()
        Retrieves the user entry for whom this notification applies.
        The user entry for whom this notification applies.
      • getMessage

        java.lang.String getMessage()
        Retrieves a message that provides additional information for this account status notification.
        A message that provides additional information for this account status notification.
      • getNotificationProperties

        java.util.Map<AccountStatusNotificationProperty,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getNotificationProperties()
        Retrieves a set of properties that may provide additional information for this account status notification.
        A set of properties that may provide additional information for this account status notification.
      • getNotificationProperty

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getNotificationProperty​(AccountStatusNotificationProperty property)
        Retrieves the set of values for the specified account status notification property.
        property - The account status notification property for which to retrieve the associated values.
        The set of values for the specified account status notification property, or null if the specified property is not defined for this account status notification.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        Retrieves a string representation of this account status notification.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string representation of this account status notification.