Interface EMailMessage

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<EMailAttachment> getAttachments()
      Retrieves the list of attachments for this email message.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getBCCAddresses()
      Retrieves the set of "bcc" recipients for this email message.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getCCAddresses()
      Retrieves the set of "cc" recipients for this email message.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getCustomHeaders()
      Retrieves a map of the custom headers that should be included in the email message.
      java.lang.String getHTMLPart()
      Retrieves the HTML-formatted part for this email message, if defined.
      java.lang.String getPlainTextPart()
      Retrieves the plain-text part for this email message, if defined.
      java.lang.String getReplyToAddress()
      Retrieves the reply-to address for this email message, if defined.
      java.lang.String getSenderAddress()
      Retrieves the sender address for this email message.
      java.lang.String getSubject()
      Retrieves the subject for this email message.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getToAddresses()
      Retrieves the set of "to" recipients for this email message.
      void send()
      Attempts to send this message using the server's default SMTP connection pool.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Retrieves a string representation for this email message.
    • Method Detail

      • getSenderAddress

        java.lang.String getSenderAddress()
        Retrieves the sender address for this email message.
        The sender address for this email message.
      • getReplyToAddress

        java.lang.String getReplyToAddress()
        Retrieves the reply-to address for this email message, if defined.
        The reply-to address for this email message, or null if none is defined.
      • getToAddresses

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getToAddresses()
        Retrieves the set of "to" recipients for this email message.
        The set of "to" recipients for this email message, or an empty set if there are none.
      • getCCAddresses

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getCCAddresses()
        Retrieves the set of "cc" recipients for this email message.
        The set of "cc" recipients for this email message, or an empty set if there are none.
      • getBCCAddresses

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getBCCAddresses()
        Retrieves the set of "bcc" recipients for this email message.
        The set of "bcc" recipients for this email message, or an empty set if there are none.
      • getSubject

        java.lang.String getSubject()
        Retrieves the subject for this email message.
        The subject for this email message.
      • getPlainTextPart

        java.lang.String getPlainTextPart()
        Retrieves the plain-text part for this email message, if defined.
        The plain-text part for this email message, or null if none is defined.
      • getHTMLPart

        java.lang.String getHTMLPart()
        Retrieves the HTML-formatted part for this email message, if defined.
        The HTML-formatted part for this email message, or null if none is defined.
      • getCustomHeaders

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getCustomHeaders()
        Retrieves a map of the custom headers that should be included in the email message.
        A map of the custom headers that should be included in the email message.
      • getAttachments

        Retrieves the list of attachments for this email message.
        The list of attachments for this email message, or an empty list if there are none.
      • send

        void send()
           throws javax.mail.MessagingException
        Attempts to send this message using the server's default SMTP connection pool.
        javax.mail.MessagingException - If a problem is encountered while trying to send the message.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        Retrieves a string representation for this email message.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string representation for this email message.