Interface ActiveOperationContext

    • Method Detail

      • sendIntermediateResponse

        void sendIntermediateResponse​(IntermediateResponse r)
                               throws LDAPException
        Attempts to send an intermediate response message to the client.
        r - The intermediate response to be sent. It must not be null.
        LDAPException - If a problem occurs while attempting to send the intermediate response message and processing on the associated operation should be aborted.
      • setAttachment

        void setAttachment​(java.lang.String name,
                           java.lang.Object value)
        Sets an attachment for the associated operation.
        Specified by:
        setAttachment in interface OperationContext
        name - The name of the attachment to set. It must not be null.
        value - The value to set for the attachment. It may be null if any existing attachment with the specified name should be removed.
      • hasPrivilege

        boolean hasPrivilege​(java.lang.String privilegeName,
                             boolean markUsed)
                      throws LDAPException
        Indicates whether the requester has the specified privilege, optionally including it in the set of used privileges for the operation. The set of defined privileges may be found in the privilege-list.html and privilege-list.csv files in the server docs directory.
        privilegeName - The name of the privilege for which to make the determination. It must not be null.
        markUsed - Indicates whether to include the specified privilege in the set of privileges that were used in the course of processing the operation. This is only applicable if the requester has the specified privilege.
        true if the requester has the specified privilege, or false if not.
        LDAPException - If the specified privilege is not defined in the server, or if a problem is encountered while trying to make the determination.
      • requirePrivilege

        void requirePrivilege​(java.lang.String privilegeName)
                       throws LDAPException
        Ensures that the requester has the specified privilege. If the requester has the specified privilege, then the set of privileges used in the course of processing the operation will be updated to include the specified privilege. If the specifies privilege is defined in the server but the requested user does not have it, then it will be added to the set of missing privileges for the operation.

        The set of defined privileges may be found in the privilege-list.html and privilege-list.csv files in the server docs directory.
        privilegeName - The name of the privilege to require. It must not be null.
        LDAPException - If the specified privilege is not defined in the server, if the requester does not have that privilege, or a problem is encountered while trying to make the determination.