Interface UpdatableSearchRequest

    • Method Detail

      • setBaseDN

        void setBaseDN​(java.lang.String baseDN)
        Specifies the base DN for the search.
        baseDN - The base DN for the search. It must not be null.
      • setBaseDN

        void setBaseDN​(DN baseDN)
        Specifies the base DN for the search.
        baseDN - The base DN for the search. It must not be null.
      • setScope

        void setScope​(SearchScope scope)
        Specifies the scope for the search.
        scope - The scope for the search. It must not be null.
      • setDerefPolicy

        void setDerefPolicy​(DereferencePolicy derefPolicy)
        Specifies the dereference policy for the search.
        derefPolicy - The dereference policy for the search. It must not be null.
      • setSizeLimit

        void setSizeLimit​(int sizeLimit)
        Specifies the size limit for the search. A value less than or equal to zero indicates that no size limit should be requested.
        sizeLimit - The size limit for the search.
      • setTimeLimitSeconds

        void setTimeLimitSeconds​(int timeLimit)
        Specifies the time limit for the search in seconds. A value less than or equal to zero indicates that no time limit should be requested.
        timeLimit - The time limit for the search in seconds.
      • setTypesOnly

        void setTypesOnly​(boolean typesOnly)
        Specifies whether search result entries should contain attribute values.
        typesOnly - Indicates whether search result entries should contain only attribute types or both types and values.
      • setFilter

        void setFilter​(Filter filter)
        Specifies the filter for the search.
        filter - The filter for the search. It must not be null.
      • setFilter

        void setFilter​(java.lang.String filter)
                throws LDAPException
        Specifies the filter for the search.
        filter - The string representation of the filter for the search. It must not be null.
        LDAPException - If the provided string cannot be parsed as a valid filter.
      • setAttributes

        void setAttributes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> attributes)
        Specifies the list of requested attributes.
        attributes - The list of requested attributes.