Interface UpdatableGenericResult

    • Method Detail

      • setResultCode

        void setResultCode​(ResultCode resultCode)
        Specifies the result code for the result.
        resultCode - The result code for the result. It must not be null.
      • setMatchedDN

        void setMatchedDN​(java.lang.String matchedDN)
                   throws LDAPException
        Specifies the matched DN for the result, if any.
        matchedDN - The matched DN for the result. It may be null if there is none.
        LDAPException - If the provided DN cannot be parsed.
      • setDiagnosticMessage

        void setDiagnosticMessage​(java.lang.String diagnosticMessage)
        Specifies the diagnostic message for the result, if any.
        diagnosticMessage - The diagnostic message for the result. It may be null if there is none.
      • setReferralURLs

        void setReferralURLs​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> referralURLs)
        Specifies the referral URLs for the result.
        referralURLs - The referral URLs for the result. It may be null or empty if there are none.
      • setAdditionalLogMessage

        void setAdditionalLogMessage​(java.lang.String message)
        Specifies an additional log message for the result which will not be returned to the client but may be included in access log messages for the associated operation.
        message - An additional log message for the result.
      • setResultData

        void setResultData​(LDAPResult result)
        Sets the contents of this result with information from the provided LDAP result, including the result code, diagnostic message, matched DN, referral URLs, and controls.
        result - The result to use to update this result. It must not be null.
      • setResultData

        void setResultData​(LDAPException le)
        Sets the contents of this result with information from the provided LDAP exception, including the result code, diagnostic message, matched DN, referral URLs, and controls.
        le - The exception to use to update this result. It must not be null.