UnboundID Server SDK

Ping Identity
UnboundID Server SDK Documentation


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 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
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package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.examples;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.types.LogSeverity;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.api.SCIMSubResourceTypeHandler;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.config.SCIMSubResourceTypeHandlerConfig;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.types.SCIMReplaceRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.types.SCIMRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.types.SCIMLDAPInterface;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.types.SCIMRetrieveRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.types.SCIMServerContext;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Entry;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ExtendedResult;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Filter;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SearchRequest;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SearchScope;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.unboundidds.extensions.PasswordPolicyStateOperation;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.BaseScimResource;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.ScimResource;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.annotations.Attribute;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.annotations.Schema;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ScimException;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ServerErrorException;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.types.AttributeDefinition;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.types.SchemaResource;
import com.unboundid.scim2.common.utils.JsonUtils;
import com.unboundid.util.StaticUtils;
import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * This is an example SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler that demonstrates how to
 * implement a <i>one-to-one</i> SCIM sub-resource type, which is a SCIM
 * sub-resource type that provides exactly one sub-resource per parent SCIM
 * resource.
 * <p>
 * This sub-resource type provides a simplified API for a user's account state,
 * allowing clients to read and update the user's "disabled" account state flag.
public class ExampleOneToOneSCIMSubResourceTypeHandler
    extends SCIMSubResourceTypeHandler
   * The schema URN of this sub-resource type's core schema.
  public static final String SCIM_SCHEMA_ID =

   * The name of this sub-resource type's core schema.
  public static final String SCIM_SCHEMA_NAME =
      "PingDirectory account state";

   * A description of this sub-resource type's core schema.
  public static final String SCIM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION =
      "Example account state sub-resource schema";

   * The "disabled" SCIM attribute name.
  public static final String SCIM_ATTR_DISABLED_NAME =

   * The "disabled" SCIM attribute description.
  public static final String SCIM_ATTR_DISABLED_DESCRIPTION =
      "Account disabled";

  private SCIMServerContext serverContext;

  private SchemaResource coreSchema;

  private String parentResourceType;

  private SCIMLDAPInterface ldapInterface;

   * Retrieves a human-readable name for this extension.
   * @return  A human-readable name for this extension.
  public String getExtensionName()
    return "Example One-To-One SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler";

   * Retrieves a human-readable description for this extension.  Each element
   * of the array that is returned will be considered a separate paragraph in
   * generated documentation.
   * @return  A human-readable description for this extension, or {@code null}
   *          or an empty array if no description should be available.
  public String[] getExtensionDescription()
    return new String[] {
        "This is an example SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler that exposes a " +
            "single sub-resource with an abridged view of a PingDirectory " +
            "user's account state."

   * Initializes this SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler, setting up helper
   * objects, creating its core SCIM schema dynamically and registering it with
   * the server.
   * @param serverContext  A handle to the server context for the server in
   *                       which this extension is running.
   * @param config         The configuration for this SCIM Sub-Resource Type
   *                       Handler.
   * @param parser         The argument parser which has been initialized from
   *                       the configuration for this SCIM Sub-Resource Type
   *                       Handler.
   * @throws Exception     If a problem occurs while initializing this SCIM
   *                       Sub-Resource Type Handler.
  public void initializeHandler(final SCIMServerContext serverContext,
                                final SCIMSubResourceTypeHandlerConfig config,
                                final ArgumentParser parser) throws Exception
    this.serverContext = serverContext;
        "Initializing SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler");

    coreSchema = createCoreSchema();

    parentResourceType = config.getParentSCIMResourceTypeName();

      ldapInterface = serverContext.getSCIMLDAPInterface(parentResourceType);
    catch (ScimException e)
      String error = String.format("Initialization error: %s; Stack trace: %s",
          e.getMessage(), StaticUtils.getStackTrace(e));
      serverContext.logTraceMessage(LogSeverity.DEBUG, error);
      throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR, e);

   * Performs cleanup that is needed when this SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler
   * is taken out of service.
  public void finalizeHandler()
        "Finalizing SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler");

   * Gets the SCIM Sub-Resource Type's core schema.
   * @return The core schema for the SCIM Sub-Resource Type.
  public SchemaResource getCoreSchema()
    return coreSchema;

   * Indicates that this SCIM Sub-Resource Type Handler supports a single
   * sub-resource per parent resource.
   * @return Always returns false to indicate that this SCIM Sub-Resource Type
   *         Handler supports only a single sub-resource per parent resource.
  public boolean supportsOneToMany()
    // Only one account state sub-resource is exposed per parent SCIM resource.
    return false;

   * Handles SCIM retrieve requests. This reads the account state.
   * @param request         A SCIM retrieve request.
   * @return                The retrieved sub-resource.
   * @throws ScimException  If an error occurs.
  public ScimResource retrieve(final SCIMRetrieveRequest request)
      throws ScimException
    PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult accountStateResult =
    return ExampleAccountStateResource.create(accountStateResult);

   * Handles SCIM replace requests. This updates the account state.
   * @param request         A SCIM replace request.
   * @return                The replaced sub-resource.
   * @throws ScimException  If an error occurs.
  public ScimResource replace(final SCIMReplaceRequest request)
      throws ScimException
    PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult accountStateResult =
    return ExampleAccountStateResource.create(accountStateResult);

   * Creates an object representing the SCIM sub-resource type's core SCIM
   * schema.
   * @return  The account state sub-resource type's core SCIM schema.
  private SchemaResource createCoreSchema()
    List<AttributeDefinition> attributes = new ArrayList<>();

    AttributeDefinition disabledAttribute =
        new AttributeDefinition.Builder()

    return new SchemaResource(SCIM_SCHEMA_ID, SCIM_SCHEMA_NAME,
        SCIM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION, attributes);

   * Retrieves a user's account state via LDAP.
   * @param request         The associated SCIM GET request. This is used to
   *                        obtain the DN associated with the parent SCIM
   *                        sub-resource.
   * @return                The LDAP account state result.
   * @throws ScimException  If an error of any kind occurs while processing
   *                        the account state request.
  private PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult getAccountState(
      final SCIMRequest request) throws ScimException
    String entryDN =
    Control[] controls = new Control[0];
    PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest accountStateRequest =
        new PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest(entryDN, controls);

    return submitLDAPAccountStateRequest(
        request.getHttpServletRequest(), accountStateRequest);

   * Updates a user's account state via LDAP.
   * @param request         The associated SCIM PUT request. This is used to
   *                        obtain the DN associated with the parent SCIM
   *                        sub-resource.
   * @return                The LDAP account state update result.
   * @throws ScimException  If an error of any kind occurs while processing
   *                        the account state update request.
  private PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult updateAccountState(
      final SCIMReplaceRequest request) throws ScimException
    ExampleAccountStateResource accountStateUpdate;
      accountStateUpdate = JsonUtils.nodeToValue(
    catch (JsonProcessingException e)
      String error = String.format("Unable to parse account state update " +
              "request: %s; Stack trace: %s",
          e.getMessage(), StaticUtils.getStackTrace(e));
      serverContext.logTraceMessage(LogSeverity.DEBUG, error);
      throw new ServerErrorException(
          "Unable to parse account state update request", null, e);

    String entryDN =

    Control[] controls = new Control[0];

    PasswordPolicyStateOperation disableOp =

    PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest accountStateRequest =
        new PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest(entryDN, controls, disableOp);

    return submitLDAPAccountStateRequest(
        request.getHttpServletRequest(), accountStateRequest);

   * Submits an account state request to the LDAP backend.
   * @param httpServletRequest   The associated HTTP servlet request.
   * @param accountStateRequest  The account state request.
   * @return                     The LDAP result object.
   * @throws ScimException       If the LDAP result is not successful or if a
   *                             processing error of any other kind occurs.
  private PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult submitLDAPAccountStateRequest(
      final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
      final PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest accountStateRequest)
      throws ScimException
    ExtendedResult ldapResult =
            httpServletRequest, accountStateRequest);

    if (ldapResult.getResultCode() != ResultCode.SUCCESS)
      String error = String.format(
          "PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest failed with " +
              "LDAP result code %s", ldapResult.getResultCode().toString());
      serverContext.logTraceMessage(LogSeverity.SEVERE_ERROR, error);
      throw new ServerErrorException(error);

    if (ldapResult instanceof PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult)
      return (PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult) ldapResult;

    String error = String.format("The LDAP server responded to a " +
        "PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest with an unexpected result type " +
        "(OID: %s)", ldapResult.getOID());
    serverContext.logTraceMessage(LogSeverity.SEVERE_ERROR, error);
    throw new ServerErrorException(error);

   * Given the ID of a SCIM resource, returns the associated LDAP entry DN.
   * <p>
   * This extension uses this method to obtain the parent SCIM resource's DN,
   * which is needed to perform LDAP account state requests.
   * @param httpServletRequest  The associated HTTP servlet request.
   * @param scimResourceID      The SCIM resource ID.
   * @return                    The entry DN associated with the parent SCIM
   *                            resource.
   * @throws ScimException      If the LDAP search fails, including if an LDAP
   *                            entry associated with the parent SCIM resource
   *                            cannot be found.
  private String getParentEntryDN(final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
                                  final String scimResourceID)
      throws ScimException
    Filter filter = Filter.createEqualityFilter(
        serverContext.getIDAttribute(parentResourceType), scimResourceID);
    SearchRequest searchRequest =
        new SearchRequest(ldapInterface.getBaseDN(), SearchScope.SUB,
            filter, "1.1");
    Entry entry =
        ldapInterface.searchForEntry(httpServletRequest, searchRequest);
    return entry.getDN();

   * A POJO representing an account state SCIM sub-resource handled by this
   * extension.
      description = SCIM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTION)
  private static class ExampleAccountStateResource extends BaseScimResource
    @Attribute(description = SCIM_ATTR_DISABLED_DESCRIPTION,
        isRequired = true,
        mutability = AttributeDefinition.Mutability.READ_WRITE,
        returned = AttributeDefinition.Returned.DEFAULT)
    private boolean disabled = false;

     * Creates an ExampleAccountStateResource from the provided
     * {@link PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult} object.
     * @param accountStateResult  The result of an LDAP
     *                            {@link PasswordPolicyStateExtendedRequest}.
     * @return                    A new ExampleAccountStateResource.
    public static ExampleAccountStateResource create(
        final PasswordPolicyStateExtendedResult accountStateResult)
      return new ExampleAccountStateResource()

     * Whether or not the account is disabled.
     * @return  True if the account is disabled or false otherwise.
    public boolean isDisabled()
      return disabled;

     * Sets the disabled flag.
     * @param disabled  True if the account is disabled or false otherwise.
     * @return          This ExampleAccountStateResource.
    public ExampleAccountStateResource setDisabled(final boolean disabled)
      this.disabled = disabled;
      return this;