UnboundID Server SDK

Ping Identity
UnboundID Server SDK Documentation


 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
 * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
 * docs/licenses/cddl.txt
 * or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at
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 *      Portions Copyright 2019-2023 Ping Identity Corporation
package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.operation.SASLBindRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.operation.UpdatableSASLBindRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.operation.UpdatableSimpleBindRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.types.LogSeverity;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.types.OperationContext;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.types.ServerContext;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.api.SASLMechanismHandler;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.config.SASLMechanismHandlerConfig;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.types.DirectoryServerContext;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.types.SASLBindResult;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.types.SASLBindResultFactory;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode;
import com.unboundid.util.ByteString;
import com.unboundid.util.StaticUtils;
import com.unboundid.util.Validator;
import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser;

 * This class provides a Server SDK SASL mechanism handler implementation that
 * uses attachments on the associated bind operation to specify the behavior
 * that the server should exhibit when processing the bind operation.  This is
 * only intended to be used internally within the server and should not be
 * directly requested by an external client.  It is primarily expected to be
 * used in conjunction with a pre-parse bind plugin that performs all of the
 * authentication processing itself, but then converts the bind request to this
 * mechanism to use the information provided in attachments to define the result
 * of the operation processing.
 * <BR><BR>
 * This SASL mechanism handler actually implements support for four related SASL
 * mechanisms:
 * <BR>
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>
 *      that the authentication used a password provided by the client, and that
 *      the password and any other associated credentials were provided in a
 *      secure manner (that is, in a manner that is not vulnerable to
 *      eavesdropping, replay, or alteration attacks).
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *      that the authentication used a password provided by the client, and that
 *      the password or any other associated credentials were provided in a
 *      non-secure manner (that is, in a manner that may be vulnerable to
 *      eavesdropping, replay, or alteration attacks).
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *      that the authentication did not use a password provided by the client,
 *      and that any credentials used were provided in a secure manner (that is,
 *      in a manner that is not vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or
 *      alteration attacks).
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *      Indicates that the authentication did not use a password provided by the
 *      client, but that it did use credentials that were provided in a
 *      non-secure manner (that is, in a manner that may be vulnerable to
 *      eavesdropping, replay, or alteration attacks).
 *   </LI>
 * </UL>
 * <BR><BR>
 * All four SASL mechanisms implemented by this handler implement support for
 * the same set of operation attachments.  Supported attachments include:
 * <BR>
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-authentication-succeeded} --  indicates
 *     whether the authentication attempt was successful.  This attachment is
 *     required, and its value must be a {@code java.lang.Boolean}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-diagnostic-message} -- a diagnostic
 *     message that should be included in the bind response to the client.  This
 *     attachment is optional and may be included regardless of whether the
 *     authentication attempt succeeded or failed.  If it is provided, then its
 *     value must be an instance of {@code java.lang.CharSequence}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-matched-dn} -- the matched DN value that
 *     should be included in the bind response to the client to indicate that a
 *     provided bind DN did not refer to an entry that exists in the server, and
 *     to provide the DN of its closest ancestor that does exist.  This
 *     attachment is optional and should only be used if the authentication
 *     attempt failed.  If it is provided, then its value must be an instance of
 *     {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-server-sasl-credentials} -- an encoded
 *     set of server SASL credentials that should be included in the bind
 *     response to the client.  This attachment is optional and should only be
 *     set if the original bind request was itself a SASL bind request and
 *     server SASL credentials are appropriate for that request.  If provided,
 *     the value of the attachment must be an instance of
 *     {@code com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-response-controls} -- a set of controls
 *     that should be included in the bind response to the client.  This
 *     attachment is optional, and if it is not set, then the SASL mechanism
 *     handler will not add any controls to the response (although other
 *     components of the server may add response controls if appropriate for the
 *     operation).  If provided, the value of the attachment must be an instance
 *     of {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control[]}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-bind-dn} -- the DN of the user
 *     attempting to authenticate.  This attachment must be set if the
 *     authentication is successful, and it will be set as the authentication
 *     identity for the associated connection (unless the bind request also
 *     included the retain identity request control).  Even if the bind attempt
 *     failed, this attachment should be set if it is possible to determine the
 *     identity of the user that was trying to authenticate so that any
 *     appropriate password policy state updates can be applied to that account.
 *     If provided, the value of the attachment must be an instance of
 *     {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-authentication-failure-reason} -- a
 *     message that will not appear in the bind response to the client, but will
 *     be included in the server's access log to provide additional information
 *     about the reason that the authentication attempt failed.  This attachment
 *     is optional and should only be used if the authentication attempt failed.
 *     If it is provided, then its value must be an instance of
 *     {@code java.lang.CharSequence}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-authorization-dn} -- the DN of the user
 *     that is the alternate authorization identity for the bind operation.
 *     This should only be set if the bind attempt succeeded and requested an
 *     alternate authorization identity.  If provided, the value of the
 *     attachment must be an instance of {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN}.
 *   </LI>
 *   <LI>
 *     {@code internal-op-sasl-handler-password-used} -- the password that the
 *     client provided during the authentication attempt.  This attachment is
 *     optional and should only be used if the authentication attempt was
 *     successful and used a password.  If provided, the value of the attachment
 *     must be an instance of {@code com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString}.
 *   </LI>
 * </UL>
public final class InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler
       extends SASLMechanismHandler
   * The name for the SASL mechanism that indicates that the authentication used
   * a password provided by the client, and that the password and any other
   * associated credentials were provided in a secure manner (that is, in a
   * manner that is not vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or alteration
   * attacks).

   * The name for the SASL mechanism that indicates that the authentication used
   * a password provided by the client, and that the password or any other
   * associated credentials were provided in a non-secure manner (that is, in a
   * manner that may be vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or alteration
   * attacks).

   * The name for the SASL mechanism that indicates that the authentication did
   * not use a password provided by the client, and that any credentials used
   * were provided in a secure manner (that is, in a manner that is not
   * vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or alteration attacks).

   * The name for the SASL mechanism that indicates that the authentication did
   * not use a password provided by the client, but that it did use credentials
   * that were provided in a non-secure manner (that is, in a manner that may be
   * vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or alteration attacks).

   * The name of the attachment used to indicate whether the authentication
   * attempt was successful.  This attachment is required, and its value must be
   * a {@code java.lang.Boolean}.

   * The name of the attachment used to hold a diagnostic message that should be
   * included in the bind response to the client.  This attachment is optional
   * and may be included regardless of whether the authentication attempt
   * succeeded or failed.  If it is provided, then its value must be an instance
   * of {@code java.lang.CharSequence}.
  public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE =

   * The name of the attachment used to hold the matched DN value that should be
   * included in the bind response to the client to indicate that a provided
   * bind DN did not refer to an entry that exists in the server, and to provide
   * the DN of its closest ancestor that does exist.  This attachment is
   * optional and should only be used if the authentication attempt failed.  If
   * it is provided, then its value must be an instance of
   * {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN}.
  public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_MATCHED_DN =

   * The name of the attachment used to hold an encoded set of server SASL
   * credentials that should be included in the bind response to the client.
   * This attachment is optional and should only be set if the original bind
   * request was itself a SASL bind request and server SASL credentials are
   * appropriate for that request.  If provided, the value of the attachment
   * must be an instance of {@code com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString}.

   * The name of the attachment used to hold a set of controls that should be
   * included in the bind response to the client.  This attachment is optional,
   * and if it is not set, then the SASL mechanism handler will not add any
   * controls to the response (although other components of the server may add
   * response controls if appropriate for the operation).  If provided, the
   * value of the attachment must be an instance of
   * {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.Control[]}.
  public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_RESPONSE_CONTROLS =

   * The name of the attachment used to hold the DN of the user attempting to
   * authenticate.  This attachment must be set if the authentication is
   * successful, and it will be set as the authentication identity for the
   * associated connection (unless the bind request also included the retain
   * identity request control).  Even if the bind attempt failed, this
   * attachment should be set if it is possible to determine the identity of the
   * user that was trying to authenticate so that any appropriate password
   * policy state updates can be applied to that account.  If provided, the
   * value of the attachment must be an instance of
   * {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN}.
  public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_BIND_DN =

   * The name of the attachment used to hold a message that will not appear in
   * the bind response to the client, but will be included in the server's
   * access log to provide additional information about the reason that the
   * authentication attempt failed.  This attachment is optional and should only
   * be used if the authentication attempt failed.  If it is provided, then its
   * value must be an instance of {@code java.lang.CharSequence}.

   * The name of the attachment used to hold the DN of the user that is the
   * alternate authorization identity for the bind operation.  This should only
   * be set if the bind attempt succeeded and requested an alternate
   * authorization identity.  If provided, the value of the attachment must be
   * an instance of {@code com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN}.
  public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_AUTHORIZATION_DN =

   * The name of the attachment used to hold the password that the client
   * provided during the authentication attempt.  This attachment is optional
   * and should only be used if the authentication attempt was successful and
   * used a password.  If provided, the value of the attachment must be an
   * instance of {@code com.unboundid.asn1.ASN1OctetString}.
  public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_PASSWORD_USED =

  // A handle to the server context in which this extension is running.
  private volatile DirectoryServerContext serverContext = null;

   * Creates a new instance of this SASL mechanism handler.  All SASL
   * mechanism handler implementations must include a default constructor, but
   * any initialization
   * should generally be done in the {@code initializeSASLMechanismHandler}
   * method.
  public InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler()
    // No implementation is required.

   * Retrieves a human-readable name for this extension.
   * @return  A human-readable name for this extension.
  public String getExtensionName()
    return "Internal Operation Attachment SASL Mechanism Handler";

   * Retrieves a human-readable description for this extension.  Each element
   * of the array that is returned will be considered a separate paragraph in
   * generated documentation.
   * @return  A human-readable description for this extension, or {@code null}
   *          or an empty array if no description should be available.
  public String[] getExtensionDescription()
    return new String[]
      "Implements support for a number of related SASL mechanisms that use " +
           "operation attachments to define the behavior the server should " +
           "exhibit when processing the bind operation.  This is only " +
           "intended to be used internally within the server and should not " +
           "be directly requested by an external client.  It is primarily " +
           "expected to be used in conjunction with a pre-parse bind plugin " +
           "that performs all of the authentication processing itself, but " +
           "then converts the bind request to this mechanism to use the " +
           "information provided in attachments to define the result of the " +
           "operation processing.",

      "The " + SECURE_PASSWORD_BASED_SASL_MECHANISM_NAME + " mechanism " +
           "should be used if the authentication used a password provided by " +
           "the client, and that the password and any other associated " +
           "credentials were provided in a secure manner (that is, in a " +
           "manner that is not vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or " +
           "alteration attacks).",

           "should be used if the authentication used a password provided by " +
           "the client, and that the password or any other associated " +
           "credentials were provided in a non-secure manner (that is, in a " +
           "manner that may be vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or " +
           "alteration attacks).",

           "should be used if the authentication did not use a password " +
           "provided by the client, and that any credentials used were " +
           "provided in a secure manner (that is, in a manner that is not " +
           "vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or alteration attacks).",

           " mechanism should be used if the authentication did not use a " +
           "password provided by the client, but that it did use credentials " +
           "that were provided in a non-secure manner (that is, in a manner " +
           "that may be vulnerable to eavesdropping, replay, or alteration " +

      "All four SASL mechanisms implemented by this handler implement " +
           "support for the same set of operation attachments.  Supported " +
           "attachments include:",

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-authentication-succeeded -- indicates " +
           "whether the authentication attempt was successful.  This " +
           "attachment is required, and its value must be an instance of " +
           Boolean.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-diagnostic-message -- a diagnostic message " +
           "that should be included in the bind response to the client.  " +
           "This attachment is optional and may be included regardless of " +
           "whether the authentication attempt succeeded or failed.  If it " +
           "is provided, then its value must be an instance of " +
           CharSequence.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-matched-dn -- the matched DN value that " +
           "should be included in the bind response to the client to " +
           "indicate that a provided bind DN did not refer to an entry that " +
           "exists in the server, and to provide the DN of its closest " +
           "ancestor that does exist.  This attachment is optional and " +
           "should only be used if the authentication attempt failed.  If it " +
           "is provided, then its value must be an instance of " +
           DN.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-server-sasl-credentials -- an encoded set " +
           "of server SASL credentials that should be included in the bind " +
           "response to the client.  This attachment is optional and should " +
           "only be set if the original bind request was itself a SASL bind " +
           "request and server SASL credentials are appropriate for that " +
           "request.  If provided, the value of the attachment must be an " +
           "instance of " + ASN1OctetString.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-response-controls -- a set of controls that " +
           "should be included in the bind response to the client.  This " +
           "attachment is optional, and if it is not set, then the SASL " +
           "mechanism handler will not add any controls to the response " +
           "(although other components of the server may add response " +
           "controls if appropriate for the operation).  If provided, the " +
           "value of the attachment must be an instance of " +
           Control.class.getName() + "[].",

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-bind-dn -- the DN of the user attempting to " +
           "authenticate.  This attachment must be set if the " +
           "authentication is successful, and it will be set as the " +
           "authentication identity for the associated connection (unless " +
           "the bind request also included the retain identity request " +
           "control).  Even if the bind attempt failed, this attachment " +
           "should be set if it is possible to determine the identity of the " +
           "user that was trying to authenticate so that any appropriate " +
           "password policy state updates can be applied to that account.  " +
           "If provided, the value of the attachment must be an instance of " +
           DN.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-authentication-failure-reason -- a message " +
           "that will not appear in the bind response to the client, but " +
           "will be included in the server's access log to provide " +
           "additional information about the reason that the authentication " +
           "attempt failed.  This attachment is optional and should only be " +
           "used if the authentication attempt failed.  If it is provided, " +
           "then its value must be an instance of " +
           CharSequence.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-authorization-dn -- the DN of the user that " +
           "is the alternate authorization identity for the bind operation.  " +
           "This should only be set if the bind attempt succeeded and " +
           "requested an alternate authorization identity.  If provided, the " +
           "value of the attachment must be an instance of " +
           DN.class.getName() + '.',

      "internal-op-sasl-handler-password-used -- the password that the " +
           "client provided during the authentication attempt.  This " +
           "attachment is optional and should only be used if the " +
           "authentication attempt was successful and used a password.  If " +
           "provided, the value of the attachment must be an instance of " +
           ASN1OctetString.class.getName() + '.',

   * Updates the provided argument parser to define any configuration arguments
   * which may be used by this extension.  The argument parser may also be
   * updated to define relationships between arguments (e.g., to specify
   * required, exclusive, or dependent argument sets).
   * @param  parser  The argument parser to be updated with the configuration
   *                 arguments which may be used by this extension.
  public void defineConfigArguments(final ArgumentParser parser)
    // No arguments will be allowed by default.

   * Initializes this SASL mechanism handler.
   * @param  serverContext  A handle to the server context for the server in
   *                        which this extension is running.
   * @param  config         The general configuration for this SASL mechanism
   *                        handler.
   * @param  parser         The argument parser which has been initialized from
   *                        the configuration for this SASL mechanism handler.
  public void initializeSASLMechanismHandler(
                   final DirectoryServerContext serverContext,
                   final SASLMechanismHandlerConfig config,
                   final ArgumentParser parser)
    if (this.serverContext == null)
      this.serverContext = serverContext;

   * Indicates whether the configuration represented by the provided argument
   * parser is acceptable for use by this extension.  The parser will have been
   * used to parse any configuration available for this extension, and any
   * automatic validation will have been performed.  This method may be used to
   * perform any more complex validation which cannot be performed automatically
   * by the argument parser.
   * @param  config               The general configuration for this extension.
   * @param  parser               The argument parser that has been used to
   *                              parse the proposed configuration for this
   *                              extension.
   * @param  unacceptableReasons  A list to which messages may be added to
   *                              provide additional information about why the
   *                              provided configuration is not acceptable.
   * @return  {@code true} if the configuration in the provided argument parser
   *          appears to be acceptable, or {@code false} if not.
  public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable(
                      final SASLMechanismHandlerConfig config,
                      final ArgumentParser parser,
                      final List<String> unacceptableReasons)
    if (serverContext == null)
      serverContext = config.getServerContext();

    // No validation is needed.
    return true;

   * Attempts to apply the configuration from the provided argument parser to
   * this extension.
   * @param  config                The general configuration for this extension.
   * @param  parser                The argument parser that has been used to
   *                               parse the new configuration for this
   *                               extension.
   * @param  adminActionsRequired  A list to which messages may be added to
   *                               provide additional information about any
   *                               additional administrative actions that may
   *                               be required to apply some of the
   *                               configuration changes.
   * @param  messages              A list to which messages may be added to
   *                               provide additional information about the
   *                               processing performed by this method.
   * @return  A result code providing information about the result of applying
   *          the configuration change.  A result of {@code SUCCESS} should be
   *          used to indicate that all processing completed successfully.  Any
   *          other result will indicate that a problem occurred during
   *          processing.
  public ResultCode applyConfiguration(final SASLMechanismHandlerConfig config,
                                       final ArgumentParser parser,
                                       final List<String> adminActionsRequired,
                                       final List<String> messages)
    if (serverContext == null)
      serverContext = config.getServerContext();

    // There is no configuration to apply.
    return ResultCode.SUCCESS;

   * Performs any cleanup which may be necessary when this SASL mechanism
   * handler is to be taken out of service.
  public void finalizeSASLMechanismHandler()
    // No finalization is needed.

   * Retrieves a list of the names of the SASL mechanisms supported by this
   * SASL mechanism handler.  This method will be invoked only immediately after
   * the {@link #initializeSASLMechanismHandler} method is called.
   * @return  A list of the names of the SASL mechanisms supported by this SASL
   *          mechanism handler.
  public List<String> getSASLMechanismNames()
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(

   * Indicates whether the SASL authentication process using the specified
   * mechanism may be considered secure (i.e., that a third party able to
   * observe the communication, potentially over an insecure communication
   * channel, would not be able to reproduce the authentication process).
   * @param  mechanism  The name of the mechanism for which to make the
   *                    determination.  This will only be invoked with names of
   *                    mechanisms returned by the
   *                    {@link #getSASLMechanismNames} method.
   * @return  {@code true} if the specified SASL mechanism should be considered
   *          secure, or {@code false} if not.
  public boolean isSecure(final String mechanism)
    switch (mechanism)
        // These mechanisms are considered secure.
        return true;

        // These mechanisms are considered non-secure.
        return false;

        // This should never happen.  Throw a RuntimeException to ensure that
        // this is more visible than other types of non-successful operations.
        final String message = getClass().getName() +
             ".isSecure called with an unsupported SASL mechanism of '" +
             mechanism + "'.";
        if (serverContext != null)
          serverContext.logMessage(LogSeverity.SEVERE_WARNING, message);
        throw new RuntimeException(message);

   * Indicates whether the SASL authentication process using the specified
   * mechanism involves the use of a password stored locally in the server
   * (optionally in combination with other forms of credentials).
   * @param  mechanism  The name of the mechanism for which to make the
   *                    determination.  This will only be invoked with names of
   *                    mechanisms returned by the
   *                    {@link #getSASLMechanismNames} method.
   * @return  {@code true} if the specified SASL mechanism makes use of a local
   *          password, or {@code false} if not.
  public boolean isPasswordBased(final String mechanism)
    switch (mechanism)
        // These mechanisms are password-based.
        return true;

        // These mechanisms are not password-based.
        return false;

        // This should never happen.  Throw a RuntimeException to ensure that
        // this is more visible than other types of non-successful operations.
        final String message = getClass().getName() +
             ".isPasswordBased called with an unsupported SASL mechanism " +
             "of '" + mechanism + "'.";
        if (serverContext != null)
          serverContext.logMessage(LogSeverity.SEVERE_WARNING, message);
        throw new RuntimeException(message);

   * Performs the appropriate processing for the provided SASL bind request.
   * @param  operationContext  The context for the bind operation.
   * @param  bindRequest       The SASL bind request to be processed.
   * @param  resultFactory     A factory object that will be used to construct
   *                           the result to return.
   * @return  An object with information about the result of the SASL bind
   *          processing.
  public SASLBindResult processSASLBind(final OperationContext operationContext,
                             final SASLBindRequest bindRequest,
                             final SASLBindResultFactory resultFactory)
    final String mechanism = bindRequest.getSASLMechanism();

    boolean authenticationSucceeded;
    final Object authenticationSucceededObject = operationContext.getAttachment(
    if (authenticationSucceededObject == null)
      authenticationSucceeded = false;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Indicating that the " +
           "authentication was unsuccessful because the operation was " +
           " attachment required for use with the " + mechanism +
           " mechanism.");
    else if (authenticationSucceededObject instanceof Boolean)
      authenticationSucceeded =
           ((Boolean) authenticationSucceededObject).booleanValue();
      authenticationSucceeded = false;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Indicating that the " +
           "authentication was unsuccessful because the " +
           " attachment was an instance of " +
           authenticationSucceededObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + Boolean.class.getName() + '.');

    final String diagnosticMessage;
    final Object diagnosticMessageObject =
    if (diagnosticMessageObject == null)
      diagnosticMessage = null;
    else if (diagnosticMessageObject instanceof CharSequence)
      diagnosticMessage = String.valueOf(diagnosticMessageObject);
      diagnosticMessage = null;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of the " +
           " attachment because it was an instance of " +
           diagnosticMessageObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + CharSequence.class.getName() + '.');

    final String matchedDN;
    final Object matchedDNObject =
    if (matchedDNObject == null)
      matchedDN = null;
    else if (matchedDNObject instanceof DN)
      matchedDN = ((DN) matchedDNObject).toString();
      matchedDN = null;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of the " +
           " attachment because it was an instance of " +
           matchedDNObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + DN.class.getName() + '.');

    final ASN1OctetString serverSASLCredentials;
    final Object serverSASLCredentialsObject = operationContext.getAttachment(
    if (serverSASLCredentialsObject == null)
      serverSASLCredentials = null;
    else if (serverSASLCredentialsObject instanceof ASN1OctetString)
      serverSASLCredentials = (ASN1OctetString) serverSASLCredentialsObject;
      serverSASLCredentials = null;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of the " +
           " attachment because it was an instance of " +
           serverSASLCredentialsObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + ASN1OctetString.class.getName() + '.');

    final List<Control> responseControls;
    final Object responseControlsObject =
    if (responseControlsObject == null)
      responseControls = null;
    else if (responseControlsObject instanceof Control[])
      final Control[] responseControlArray = (Control[]) responseControlsObject;
      responseControls =
      responseControls = null;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of the " +
           " attachment because it was an instance of " +
           responseControlsObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + Control.class.getName() + "[].");

    String authenticationFailureReason;
    final Object authenticationFailureReasonObject =
    if (authenticationFailureReasonObject == null)
      authenticationFailureReason = null;
    else if (authenticationFailureReasonObject instanceof CharSequence)
      authenticationFailureReason =
      authenticationFailureReason = null;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of the " +
           " attachment because it was an instance of " +
           authenticationFailureReasonObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + CharSequence.class.getName() + '.');

    final String bindDN;
    final Object bindDNObject =
    if (bindDNObject == null)
      if (authenticationSucceeded)
        bindDN = null;
        authenticationSucceeded = false;
        authenticationFailureReason = "The " + mechanism +
             " bind operation did not have the " +
             ATTACHMENT_NAME_BIND_DN + " attachment set, which is required " +
             "for a successful authentication.";
        bindDN = null;
    else if (bindDNObject instanceof DN)
      bindDN = ((DN) bindDNObject).toString();
      bindDN = null;
      if (authenticationSucceeded)
        authenticationSucceeded = false;
        authenticationFailureReason = "The " + ATTACHMENT_NAME_BIND_DN +
             " attachment was set in the " + mechanism +
             " bind operation, but its value was of type " +
             bindDNObject.getClass().getName() + " instead of the required " +
             "type of " + DN.class.getName() + '.';
        operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of " +
             "the " + ATTACHMENT_NAME_BIND_DN +
             " attachment because it was an instance of " +
             bindDNObject.getClass().getName() +
             " instead of the required " + DN.class.getName() + '.');

    final String authorizationDN;
    final Object authorizationDNObject =
    if (authorizationDNObject == null)
      authorizationDN = bindDN;
    else if (authorizationDNObject instanceof DN)
      authorizationDN = ((DN) authorizationDNObject).toString();
      authorizationDN = null;
      if (authenticationSucceeded)
        authenticationSucceeded = false;
        authenticationFailureReason = "The " +
             ATTACHMENT_NAME_AUTHORIZATION_DN + " attachment was set in the " +
             mechanism + " bind operation, but its value was of type " +
             bindDNObject.getClass().getName() + " instead of the required " +
             "type of " + DN.class.getName() + '.';
        operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of " +
             " attachment because it was an instance of " +
             authorizationDNObject.getClass().getName() +
             " instead of the required " + DN.class.getName() + '.');

    final ASN1OctetString passwordUsed;
    final Object passwordUsedObject =
    if (passwordUsedObject == null)
      passwordUsed = null;
    else if (passwordUsedObject instanceof ASN1OctetString)
      passwordUsed = (ASN1OctetString) passwordUsedObject;
      passwordUsed = null;
      operationContext.appendAdditionalLogMessage("Ignoring the value of the " +
           " attachment because it was an instance of " +
           passwordUsedObject.getClass().getName() +
           " instead of the required " + ASN1OctetString.class.getName() + '.');

    if (authenticationSucceeded)
      return resultFactory.createSuccessResult(bindDN, authorizationDN,
           diagnosticMessage, responseControls, serverSASLCredentials,
      return resultFactory.createFailureResult(authenticationFailureReason,
           diagnosticMessage, matchedDN, responseControls,
           serverSASLCredentials, bindDN);

   * Indicates whether the specified SASL mechanism may require multiple stages
   * to process.
   * @param  mechanism  The mechanism for which to make the determination.
   * @return  {@code true} if the specified SASL mechanism may require multiple
   *          stages to process, {@code false} if not, or {@code null} if the
   *          answer is not known for the specified mechanism.
  public Boolean isMultiStageMechanism(final String mechanism)
    switch (mechanism)
        // None of these mechanisms involve multiple stages of authentication
        // processing.
        return false;

        // This should never happen.  Throw a RuntimeException to ensure that
        // this is more visible than other types of non-successful operations.
        final String message = getClass().getName() +
             ".isMultiStageMechanism called with an unsupported SASL " +
             "mechanism of '" + mechanism + "'.";
        if (serverContext != null)
          serverContext.logMessage(LogSeverity.SEVERE_WARNING, message);
        throw new RuntimeException(message);

   * Retrieves a map containing examples of configurations that may be used for
   * this extension.  The map key should be a list of sample arguments, and the
   * corresponding value should be a description of the behavior that will be
   * exhibited by the extension when used with that configuration.
   * @return  A map containing examples of configurations that may be used for
   *          this extension.  It may be {@code null} or empty if there should
   *          not be any example argument sets.
  public Map<List<String>,String> getExamplesArgumentSets()
    return Collections.singletonMap(
         "This SASL mechanism handler does not take any arguments.");

   * Converts the provided simple bind request to an
   * {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object that can be used to cause this SASL
   * mechanism handler to process a successful authentication as the specified
   * user.  All of the appropriate attachments for this SASL mechanism handler
   * will be set on the associated operation.  It will use the following
   * settings:
   * <UL>
   *   <LI>
   *     The authentication attempt will be considered successful.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     There will not be any diagnostic message, matched DN, response
   *     controls, or server SASL credentials.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The bind DN from the simple bind request will be used as both the
   *     authentication and authorization identity for the SASL bind.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The password used will be the password from the simple bind request.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The SASL bind will be considered password-based.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The SASL bind will be considered secure if and only if the simple bind
   *     request was received over a secure connection.
   *   </LI>
   * </UL>
   * @param  simpleBindRequest  The simple bind request to use to create the
   *                            corresponding SASL bind request.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @param  operationContext   The operation context with which the provided
   *                            simple bind request is associated.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @return  The {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object created from the
   *          provided {@code UpdatableSimpleBindRequest} object.
   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem is encountered while trying to create
   *                         the SASL bind request.
  public static UpdatableSASLBindRequest convertToSuccessfulSASLBindRequest(
                     final UpdatableSimpleBindRequest simpleBindRequest,
                     final OperationContext operationContext)
         throws LDAPException
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.simpleBindRequest must not " +
              "be null.");
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.operationContext must not be " +

    final String diagnosticMessage = null;
    final List<Control> responseControls = Collections.emptyList();

    return convertToSuccessfulSASLBindRequest(simpleBindRequest,
         operationContext, diagnosticMessage, responseControls);

   * Converts the provided simple bind request to an
   * {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object that can be used to cause this SASL
   * mechanism handler to process a successful authentication as the specified
   * user.  All of the appropriate attachments for this SASL mechanism handler
   * will be set on the associated operation.  It will use the following
   * settings:
   * <UL>
   *   <LI>
   *     The authentication attempt will be considered successful.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     There will not be any matched DN or server SASL credentials.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The bind DN from the simple bind request will be used as both the
   *     authentication and authorization identity for the SASL bind.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The password used will be the password from the simple bind request.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The SASL bind will be considered password-based.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The SASL bind will be considered secure if and only if the simple bind
   *     request was received over a secure connection.
   *   </LI>
   * </UL>
   * @param  simpleBindRequest  The simple bind request to use to create the
   *                            corresponding SASL bind request.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @param  operationContext   The operation context with which the provided
   *                            simple bind request is associated.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @param  diagnosticMessage  A diagnostic message to include in the response
   *                            to the client.  It may be {@code null} if no
   *                            diagnostic message should be returned.
   * @param  responseControls   A set of controls to include in the response to
   *                            the client.  It may be {@code null} or empty if
   *                            no response controls should be returned.
   * @return  The {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object created from the
   *          provided information.
   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem is encountered while trying to create
   *                         the SASL bind request.
  public static UpdatableSASLBindRequest convertToSuccessfulSASLBindRequest(
                     final UpdatableSimpleBindRequest simpleBindRequest,
                     final OperationContext operationContext,
                     final String diagnosticMessage,
                     final List<Control> responseControls)
         throws LDAPException
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.simpleBindRequest must not " +
              "be null.");
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.operationContext must not be " +

    final ServerContext serverContext = operationContext.getServerContext();

    final boolean isPasswordBased = true;
    final boolean isSecure = operationContext.isSecure();

    final DN authenticationDN;
      authenticationDN = new DN(simpleBindRequest.getDN());
    catch (final LDAPException e)
      throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
           "Unable to parse the bind DN from the provided simple bind " +
                "request:  " + StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e),

    final DN authorizationDN = authenticationDN;
    final ByteString passwordUsed = simpleBindRequest.getPassword();

    return convertToSuccessfulSASLBindRequest(simpleBindRequest,
         operationContext, isPasswordBased, isSecure, authenticationDN,
         authorizationDN, diagnosticMessage, responseControls, passwordUsed);

   * Converts the provided simple bind request to an
   * {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object that can be used to cause this SASL
   * mechanism handler to process a successful authentication using the provided
   * information.  All of the appropriate attachments for this SASL mechanism
   * will be set on the associated operation.
   * @param  simpleBindRequest  The simple bind request to use to create the
   *                            corresponding SASL bind request.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @param  operationContext   The operation context with which the provided
   *                            simple bind request is associated.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @param  isPasswordBased    Indicates whether the resulting SASL bind should
   *                            be considered password based.
   * @param  isSecure           Indicates whether the resulting SASL bind should
   *                            be considered secure.
   * @param  authenticationDN   The DN of the authentication identity for the
   *                            resulting SASL bind operation.  It must not be
   *                            {@code null}, but may be {@code DN.NULL_DN} to
   *                            indicate an anonymous authentication identity.
   * @param  authorizationDN    The DN of the authorization identity for the
   *                            resulting SASL bind operation.  It must not be
   *                            {@code null}, but may be {@code DN.NULL_DN} to
   *                            indicate an anonymous authentication identity.
   *                            In most cases, this will be the same as the
   *                            authentication DN, but they may differ if
   *                            operations should be processed under the
   *                            authority of a different user than the
   *                            authentication identity.
   * @param  diagnosticMessage  A diagnostic message to include in the response
   *                            to the client.  It may be {@code null} if no
   *                            diagnostic message should be returned.
   * @param  responseControls   A set of controls to include in the response to
   *                            the client.  It may be {@code null} or empty if
   *                            no response controls should be returned.
   * @param  passwordUsed       The password used to authenticate the client.
   *                            It may be {@code null} if the authentication
   *                            was not password-based, or if the password used
   *                            is not known.
   * @return  The {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object created from the
   *          provided information.
  public static UpdatableSASLBindRequest convertToSuccessfulSASLBindRequest(
                     final UpdatableSimpleBindRequest simpleBindRequest,
                     final OperationContext operationContext,
                     final boolean isPasswordBased, final boolean isSecure,
                     final DN authenticationDN, final DN authorizationDN,
                     final String diagnosticMessage,
                     final List<Control> responseControls,
                     final ByteString passwordUsed)
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.simpleBindRequest must not " +
              "be null.");
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.operationContext must not be " +
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.authenticationDN must not be " +
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createSuccessfulSASLBindRequest.authorizationDN must not be " +

    final String saslMechanism;
    if (isPasswordBased)
      if (isSecure)
      if (isSecure)

    operationContext.setAttachment(ATTACHMENT_NAME_BIND_DN, authenticationDN);

    if (! authenticationDN.equals(authorizationDN))

    if (diagnosticMessage != null)

    if ((responseControls != null) && (! responseControls.isEmpty()))
      final Control[] responseControlArray =
           new Control[responseControls.size()];

    if (passwordUsed != null)

    return simpleBindRequest.convertToSASLBindRequest(saslMechanism, null);

   * Converts the provided simple bind request to an
   * {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object that can be used to cause this SASL
   * mechanism handler to process a failed authentication attempt .  All of the
   * appropriate attachments for this SASL mechanism handler will be set on the
   * associated operation.  It will use the following settings:
   * <UL>
   *   <LI>
   *     The authentication attempt will be considered a failure.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     There will not be any diagnostic message, authentication failure
   *     reason, matched DN, response controls, or server SASL credentials.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The bind DN from the simple bind request will be used as both the
   *     target user DN for the SASL bind.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The SASL bind will be considered password-based.
   *   </LI>
   *   <LI>
   *     The SASL bind will be considered secure if and only if the simple bind
   *     request was received over a secure connection.
   *   </LI>
   * </UL>
   * @param  simpleBindRequest  The simple bind request to use to create the
   *                            corresponding SASL bind request.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @param  operationContext   The operation context with which the provided
   *                            simple bind request is associated.  It must not
   *                            be {@code null}.
   * @return  The {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object created from the
   *          provided information.
   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem is encountered while trying to create
   *                         the SASL bind request.
  public static UpdatableSASLBindRequest convertToFailedSASLBindRequest(
                     final UpdatableSimpleBindRequest simpleBindRequest,
                     final OperationContext operationContext)
         throws LDAPException
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createFailedSASLBindRequest.simpleBindRequest must not " +
              "be null.");
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createFailedSASLBindRequest.operationContext must not be " +

    final boolean isPasswordBased = true;
    final boolean isSecure = operationContext.isSecure();
    final String diagnosticMessage = null;
    final String authenticationFailureReason = null;
    final DN matchedDN = null;
    final DN targetUserDN = null;
    final List<Control> responseControls = Collections.emptyList();

    return convertToFailedSASLBindRequest(simpleBindRequest, operationContext,
         isPasswordBased, isSecure, diagnosticMessage,
         authenticationFailureReason, matchedDN, targetUserDN,

   * Converts the provided simple bind request to an
   * {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object that can be used to cause this SASL
   * mechanism handler to process a failed authentication attempt using the
   * provided information.  All of the appropriate attachments for this SASL
   * mechanism will be set on the associated operation.
   * @param  simpleBindRequest            The simple bind request to use to
   *                                      create the corresponding SASL bind
   *                                      request.  It must not be {@code null}.
   * @param  operationContext             The operation context with which the
   *                                      provided simple bind request is
   *                                      associated.  It must not be
   *                                      {@code null}.
   * @param  isPasswordBased              Indicates whether the resulting SASL
   *                                      bind should be considered password
   *                                      based.
   * @param  isSecure                     Indicates whether the resulting SASL
   *                                      bind should be considered secure.
   * @param  diagnosticMessage            A diagnostic message to include in the
   *                                      response to the client.  It may be
   *                                      {@code null} if no diagnostic message
   *                                      should be returned.
   * @param  authenticationFailureReason  A message that describes the reason
   *                                      for the authentication failure.  This
   *                                      message will not be returned to the
   *                                      client, but will be included in the
   *                                      access log message for the operation
   *                                      so that administrators may better
   *                                      diagnose the failure.  It may be
   *                                      {@code null} if no authentication
   *                                      failure reason is available.
   * @param  matchedDN                    The matched DN to include in the
   *                                      response to the client.  It may be
   *                                      {@code null} if no matched DN should
   *                                      be included.
   * @param  targetUserDN                 The DN of the user that attempted to
   *                                      authenticate.  It may be {@code null}
   *                                      if the target user DN is not known.
   * @param  responseControls             A set of controls to include in the
   *                                      response to the client.  It may be
   *                                      {@code null} or empty if no response
   *                                      controls should be returned.
   * @return  The {@code UpdatableSASLBindRequest} object created from the
   *          provided information.
  public static UpdatableSASLBindRequest convertToFailedSASLBindRequest(
                     final UpdatableSimpleBindRequest simpleBindRequest,
                     final OperationContext operationContext,
                     final boolean isPasswordBased, final boolean isSecure,
                     final String diagnosticMessage,
                     final String authenticationFailureReason,
                     final DN matchedDN, final DN targetUserDN,
                     final List<Control> responseControls)
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createFailedSASLBindRequest.simpleBindRequest must not " +
              "be null.");
         InternalOperationAttachmentSASLMechanismHandler.class.getName() +
              ".createFailedSASLBindRequest.operationContext must not be " +

    final String saslMechanism;
    if (isPasswordBased)
      if (isSecure)
      if (isSecure)


    if (diagnosticMessage != null)

    if (authenticationFailureReason != null)

    if (matchedDN != null)
      operationContext.setAttachment(ATTACHMENT_NAME_MATCHED_DN, matchedDN);

    if (targetUserDN != null)
      operationContext.setAttachment(ATTACHMENT_NAME_BIND_DN, targetUserDN);

    if ((responseControls != null) && (! responseControls.isEmpty()))
      final Control[] responseControlArray =
           new Control[responseControls.size()];

    return simpleBindRequest.convertToSASLBindRequest(saslMechanism, null);