003 *
004 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
005 * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
006 * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
007 * with the License.
008 *
009 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
010 * docs/licenses/cddl.txt
011 * or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
012 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
013 * and limitations under the License.
014 *
015 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
016 * file and include the License file at
017 * docs/licenses/cddl.txt.  If applicable,
018 * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
019 * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
020 *      Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
021 *
023 *
024 *
025 *      Copyright 2021-2023 Ping Identity Corporation
026 */
027package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.scim2.types;
029import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.AddRequest;
030import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.CompareRequest;
031import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.CompareResult;
032import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DeleteRequest;
033import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ExtendedRequest;
034import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ExtendedResult;
035import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPResult;
036import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ModifyDNRequest;
037import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ModifyRequest;
038import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.RootDSE;
039import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SearchRequest;
040import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SearchResult;
041import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.SearchResultEntry;
042import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.Schema;
043import com.unboundid.scim2.common.exceptions.ScimException;
044import com.unboundid.util.NotExtensible;
045import com.unboundid.util.NotNull;
046import com.unboundid.util.Nullable;
048import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
049import java.util.Set;
052 * This interface defines a set of helper methods for SCIM 2-related extensions
053 * that interact with SCIM resources and sub-resources backed by an LDAP
054 * server. Concrete instances of this interface may be obtained via
055 * {@link SCIMServerContext}, and are always associated with a particular
056 * SCIM resource type.
057 * <p>
058 * For PingAuthorize Server, the associated SCIM resource type must use an
059 * LDAP store adapter as its primary store adapter, and the LDAP store adapter
060 * must be backed by a Ping Identity Directory Server
061 * or Directory Proxy Server.
062 */
064public interface SCIMLDAPInterface
066  /**
067   * Gets the LDAP base DN associated with the SCIM service. If the product is
068   * PingAuthorize Server, this will be the base DN for the SCIM resource type's
069   * primary store adapter.
070   *
071   * @return The base DN.
072   */
073  String getBaseDN();
075  /**
076   * Gets the LDAP server's schema.
077   *
078   * @return                The LDAP schema.
079   * @throws ScimException  If the schema cannot be obtained.
080   */
081  @Nullable()
082  Schema getSchema()
083      throws ScimException;
085  /**
086   * Gets the controls supported by the LDAP server.
087   *
088   * @return The controls supported by the LDAP server as a set of OID values.
089   * @throws ScimException
090   *          If the supported LDAP controls cannot be obtained.
091   */
092  Set<String> getSupportedControls()
093      throws ScimException;
095  /**
096   * Retrieves the LDAP server's root DSE.
097   *
098   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
099   *                            current operation.
100   *
101   * @return  The LDAP server's root DSE, or {@code null} if it is not
102   *          available.
103   * @throws  ScimException  If a problem occurs while attempting to retrieve
104   *                         the server root DSE.
105   */
106  @Nullable()
107  RootDSE getRootDSE(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest)
108      throws ScimException;
110  /**
111   * Processes the provided LDAP add request.
112   *
113   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
114   *                            current operation.
115   * @param  addRequest         The add request to be processed. It must not be
116   *                            {@code null}.
117   *
118   * @return  The result of processing the add operation.
119   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the server
120   *                         rejects the add request, or if a problem is
121   *                         encountered while sending the request or reading
122   *                         the response.
123   */
124  @NotNull()
125  LDAPResult add(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
126                 @NotNull AddRequest addRequest)
127      throws ScimException;
129  /**
130   * Processes the provided LDAP compare request.
131   *
132   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
133   *                            current operation.
134   * @param  compareRequest     The compare request to be processed. It must
135   *                            not be {@code null}.
136   *
137   * @return  The result of processing the compare operation.
138   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the server
139   *                         rejects the compare request, or if a problem is
140   *                         encountered while sending the request or reading
141   *                         the response.
142   */
143  @NotNull()
144  CompareResult compare(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
145                        @NotNull CompareRequest compareRequest)
146      throws ScimException;
148  /**
149   * Processes the provided LDAP delete request.
150   *
151   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
152   *                            current operation.
153   * @param  deleteRequest      The delete request to be processed. It must not
154   *                            be {@code null}.
155   *
156   * @return  The result of processing the delete operation.
157   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the server
158   *                         rejects the delete request, or if a problem is
159   *                         encountered while sending the request or reading
160   *                         the response.
161   */
162  @NotNull()
163  LDAPResult delete(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
164                    @NotNull DeleteRequest deleteRequest)
165      throws ScimException;
167  /**
168   * Processes the provided LDAP modify request.
169   *
170   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
171   *                            current operation.
172   * @param  modifyRequest      The modify request to be processed. It must not
173   *                            be {@code null}.
174   * @return  The result of processing the modify operation.
175   *
176   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the server
177   *                         rejects the modify request, or if a problem is
178   *                         encountered while sending the request or reading
179   *                         the response.
180   */
181  @NotNull()
182  LDAPResult modify(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
183                    @NotNull ModifyRequest modifyRequest)
184      throws ScimException;
186  /**
187   * Processes the provided LDAP modify DN request.
188   *
189   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
190   *                            current operation.
191   * @param  modifyDNRequest    The modify DN request to be processed. It must
192   *                            not be {@code null}.
193   *
194   * @return  The result of processing the modify DN operation.
195   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the server
196   *                         rejects the modify DN request, or if a problem is
197   *                         encountered while sending the request or reading
198   *                         the response.
199   */
200  @NotNull()
201  LDAPResult modifyDN(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
202                      @NotNull ModifyDNRequest modifyDNRequest)
203      throws ScimException;
205  /**
206   * Processes the provided LDAP search request.
207   * <p>
208   * Note that if the search does not complete successfully, an
209   * {@code LDAPSearchException} wrapped by a {@code ScimException} will be
210   * thrown. In some cases, one or more search result entries or references may
211   * have been returned before the failure response is received.  In this case,
212   * the {@code LDAPSearchException} methods like {@code getEntryCount},
213   * {@code getSearchEntries}, {@code getReferenceCount}, and
214   * {@code getSearchReferences} may be used to obtain information about those
215   * entries and references (although if a search result listener was provided,
216   * then it will have been used to make any entries and references available,
217   * and they will not be available through the {@code getSearchEntries} and
218   * {@code getSearchReferences} methods).
219   *
220   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
221   *                            current operation.
222   * @param  searchRequest      The search request to be processed. It must not
223   *                            be {@code null}.
224   *
225   * @return  A search result object that provides information about the
226   *          processing of the search, potentially including the set of
227   *          matching entries and search references returned by the server.
228   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the search
229   *                         does not complete successfully, or if a problem is
230   *                         encountered while sending the request or reading
231   *                         the response. If one or more entries or references
232   *                         were returned before the failure was encountered,
233   *                         then the wrapped {@code LDAPSearchException}
234   *                         object may be examined to obtain information about
235   *                         those entries and/or references.
236   */
237  @NotNull()
238  SearchResult search(@NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
239                      @NotNull SearchRequest searchRequest)
240      throws ScimException;
242  /**
243   * Processes the provided LDAP search request. It is expected that at most one
244   * entry will be returned from the search, and that no additional content from
245   * the successful search result (e.g., diagnostic message or response
246   * controls) are needed.
247   * <p>
248   * Note that if the search does not complete successfully, an
249   * {@code LDAPSearchException} wrapped by a {@code ScimException} will be
250   * thrown. In some cases, one or more search result entries or references may
251   * have been returned before the failure response is received.  In this case,
252   * the {@code LDAPSearchException} methods like {@code getEntryCount},
253   * {@code getSearchEntries}, {@code getReferenceCount}, and
254   * {@code getSearchReferences} may be used to obtain information about those
255   * entries and references.
256   *
257   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
258   *                            current operation.
259   * @param  searchRequest      The search request to be processed. If it is
260   *                            configured with a search result listener or a
261   *                            size limit other than one, then the provided
262   *                            request will be duplicated with the appropriate
263   *                            settings.
264   *
265   * @return  The entry that was returned from the search, or {@code null} if no
266   *          entry was returned or the base entry does not exist.
267   * @throws  ScimException  If a connection cannot be obtained, if the search
268   *                         does not complete successfully, if more than a
269   *                         single entry is returned, or if a problem is
270   *                         encountered while parsing the provided filter
271   *                         string, sending the request, or reading the
272   *                         response. If one or more entries or references
273   *                         were returned before the failure was encountered,
274   *                         then the wrapped {@code LDAPSearchException}
275   *                         object may be examined to obtain information about
276   *                         those entries and/or references.
277   */
278  @Nullable()
279  SearchResultEntry searchForEntry(
280      @NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
281      @NotNull SearchRequest searchRequest)
282      throws ScimException;
284  /**
285   * Processes the provided extended request.  Note that when processing an
286   * extended operation, the server will never throw an exception for a failed
287   * response -- only when there is a problem sending the request or reading the
288   * response. It is the responsibility of the caller to determine whether the
289   * operation was successful.
290   * <p>
291   * Note that some extended request types, such as the StartTLS extended
292   * request, may change the state of the underlying connection and should not
293   * be invoked through this interface.
294   *
295   * @param httpServletRequest  The HTTP servlet request associated with the
296   *                            current operation.
297   * @param  extendedRequest    The extended request to be processed. It must
298   *                            not be {@code null}.
299   *
300   * @return  The extended result object that provides information about the
301   *          result of the request processing. It may or may not indicate that
302   *          the operation was successful.
303   * @throws  ScimException  If a problem occurs while sending the request or
304   *                         reading the response.
305   */
306  @NotNull
307  ExtendedResult processExtendedRequest(
308      @NotNull final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
309      @NotNull final ExtendedRequest extendedRequest)
310      throws ScimException;