003 *
004 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
005 * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
006 * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
007 * with the License.
008 *
009 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
010 * docs/licenses/cddl.txt
011 * or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
012 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
013 * and limitations under the License.
014 *
015 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
016 * file and include the License file at
017 * docs/licenses/cddl.txt.  If applicable,
018 * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
019 * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
020 *      Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
021 *
023 *
024 *
025 *      Copyright 2010-2020 Ping Identity Corporation
026 */
027package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.types;
031import java.net.InetAddress;
032import java.util.List;
033import java.util.Map;
034import java.util.Set;
036import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.DN;
037import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
038import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode;
039import com.unboundid.util.NotExtensible;
040import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafety;
041import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafetyLevel;
046 * This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain
047 * information about a client connection that has been established to the
048 * server.
049 */
052public interface ClientContext
054  /**
055   * Retrieves the identifier that has been assigned to the associated client
056   * connection.
057   *
058   * @return  The identifier that has been assigned to the associated client
059   *          connection.
060   */
061  long getConnectionID();
065  /**
066   * Retrieves the name of the client connection policy to which the associated
067   * client connection is assigned.  This may be an empty string if it uses the
068   * default client connection policy for internal connections.
069   *
070   * @return  The name of the client connection policy to which the associated
071   *          client connection is assigned.
072   */
073  String getClientConnectionPolicyName();
077  /**
078   * Retrieves the DN of the entry that defines the client connection policy to
079   * which the associated client connection is assigned.  This may be an empty
080   * string if it uses the default client connection policy for internal
081   * connections.
082   *
083   * @return  The DN of the entry that defines the client connection policy to
084   *          which the associated client connection policy is assigned.
085   */
086  String getClientConnectionPolicyDN();
090  /**
091   * Returns a {@code List} containing the names of all the Connection
092   * Criteria that match this connection. These are the configuration names
093   * (e.g. the RDNs, not the full DNs) of the Connection Criteria.
094   *
095   * @return a list of connection criteria names.
096   */
097  List<String> getMatchedConnectionCriteria();
101  /**
102   * Determines whether this {@code ClientContext} matches the given Connection
103   * Criteria.
104   *
105   * @param criteriaName the name (not the DN) of the Connection Criteria to
106   *                     check against.
107   * @return true if this {@code ClientContext} matches the specified
108   *         Connection Criteria, false otherwise.
109   */
110  boolean matchesConnectionCriteria(final String criteriaName);
114  /**
115   * Indicates whether this represents an internal client connection.
116   *
117   * @return  {@code true} if this represents an internal client connection, or
118   *          {@code false} if it is from an external client.
119   */
120  boolean isInternal();
124  /**
125   * Retrieves an internal connection that is authenticated as a root user
126   * that is not subject to access control.  It may optionally use the client
127   * connection policy from the associated client connection.
128   *
129   * @param  usePolicyFromConnection  If {@code true}, the internal connection
130   *                                  will use the same client connection policy
131   *                                  as the associated client connection.  If
132   *                                  {@code false}, the internal connection
133   *                                  will use the server's default client
134   *                                  connection policy for internal
135   *                                  connections.
136   *
137   * @return  An internal connection that is authenticated as a root user.
138   */
139  InternalConnection getInternalRootConnection(
140                          final boolean usePolicyFromConnection);
144  /**
145   * Retrieves an internal connection that is authenticated as the same user
146   * as the associated client connection.  It may optionally use the client
147   * connection policy from the associated client connection.
148   *
149   * @param  usePolicyFromConnection  If {@code true}, the internal connection
150   *                                  will use the same client connection policy
151   *                                  as the associated client connection.  If
152   *                                  {@code false}, the internal connection
153   *                                  will use the server's default client
154   *                                  connection policy for internal
155   *                                  connections.
156   *
157   * @return  An internal connection that is authenticated as the same user as
158   *          the associated client connection.
159   *
160   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while attempting to obtain or
161   *                         authenticate the connection.
162   */
163  InternalConnection getInternalUserConnection(
164                          final boolean usePolicyFromConnection)
165       throws LDAPException;
169  /**
170   * Retrieves an internal connection that is authenticated as the specified
171   * user.  Operations on the connection may be subject to access control based
172   * on the privileges associated with the specified user.  It may optionally
173   * use the client connection policy from the associated client connection.
174   *
175   * @param  dn                       The DN of the user as whom the connection
176   *                                  should be authenticated.  It may be
177   *                                  {@code null} or empty if the connection
178   *                                  should be unauthenticated.
179   * @param  usePolicyFromConnection  If {@code true}, the internal connection
180   *                                  will use the same client connection policy
181   *                                  as the associated client connection.  If
182   *                                  {@code false}, the internal connection
183   *                                  will use the server's default client
184   *                                  connection policy for internal
185   *                                  connections.
186   *
187   * @return  An internal connection that is authenticated as the specified
188   *          user.
189   *
190   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while attempting to
191   *                         authenticate as the specified user.
192   */
193  InternalConnection getInternalConnection(final String dn,
194                          final boolean usePolicyFromConnection)
195       throws LDAPException;
199  /**
200   * Indicates whether the client is communicating with the server in a secure
201   * manner.
202   *
203   * @return  {@code true} if the client is communicating with the server in a
204   *          secure manner, or {@code false} if not.
205   */
206  boolean isSecure();
210  /**
211   * Retrieves the name of the protocol that the client is using to communicate
212   * with the server.
213   *
214   * @return  The name of the protocol that the client is using to communicate
215   *          with the server.
216   */
217  String getProtocol();
221  /**
222   * Retrieves the time that the connection was established.  The value returned
223   * will be an offset in milliseconds since 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 1970.
224   *
225   * @return  The time that the connection was established.
226   */
227  long getConnectTime();
231  /**
232   * Retrieves an {@code InetAddress} representing the address of the client
233   * system, if available.
234   *
235   * @return  An {@code InetAddress} representing the address of the client
236   *          system, or {@code null} if that is not available or applicable for
237   *          the associated client connection.
238   */
239  InetAddress getClientInetAddress();
243  /**
244   * Retrieves an {@code InetAddress} representing the address on the server to
245   * which the client established the connection, if available.
246   *
247   * @return  The address on the server to which the client established the
248   *          connection, or {@code null} if that is not available or
249   *          applicable.
250   */
251  InetAddress getServerInetAddress();
255  /**
256   * Indicates whether the client has authenticated to the server.
257   *
258   * @return  {@code true} if the client has authenticated to the server, or
259   *          {@code false} if not.
260   */
261  boolean isAuthenticated();
265  /**
266   * Retrieves information about the authentication state of the client
267   * connection.
268   *
269   * @return  Information about the authentication state of the client
270   *          connection.
271   */
272  AuthInfo getAuthInfo();
276  /**
277   * Indicates whether the currently-authenticated user is a member of the
278   * specified group.  This will consider both direct memberships (in which the
279   * user is explicitly named as a member of the target group) and indirect
280   * memberships (in which the user is a member of the group by virtue of
281   * matching dynamic group criteria or by membership in a nested group).
282   *
283   * @param  groupDN    The DN of the group for which to make the determination.
284   *                    It must not be {@code null}.
285   * @param  operation  The operation currently being processed.  It may be
286   *                    {@code null} if no operation is available.
287   *
288   * @return  {@code true} if the authenticated user is a member of the
289   *          specified group, or {@code false} if not.
290   *
291   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem is encountered while attempting to
292   *                         make the determination.
293   */
294  boolean isMemberOf(final String groupDN, final OperationContext operation)
295          throws LDAPException;
299  /**
300   * Retrieves the groups in which the currently-authenticated user is a member,
301   * indexed by group DN.
302   *
303   * @param  operation             The operation currently being processed.  It
304   *                               may be {@code null} if no operation is
305   *                               available.
306   * @param  directMembershipOnly  Indicates whether to only consider groups in
307   *                               which the user is directly named as a member.
308   *                               If this parameter is {@code true}, then only
309   *                               static groups that directly contain the
310   *                               authenticated user will be included.  If this
311   *                               parameter is {@code false}, then the set of
312   *                               groups returned will also include dynamic
313   *                               groups in which the user's entry matches the
314   *                               membership criteria, as well as static groups
315   *                               in which the user is a nested member.
316   *
317   * @return  The groups in which the currently-authenticated user is a member,
318   *          or an empty map if the client connection is not authenticated or
319   *          if the authenticated user is not a member of any groups.
320   *
321   * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem is encountered while attempting to
322   *                         determine the set of groups in which the
323   *                         authenticated user is a member.
324   */
325  Map<DN,Group> getGroups(final OperationContext operation,
326                          final boolean directMembershipOnly)
327                throws LDAPException;
331  /**
332   * Indicates whether the currently-authenticated user has the specified
333   * privilege.  The set of defined privileges may be found in the
334   * privilege-list.html and privilege-list.csv files in the server docs
335   * directory.
336   *
337   * @param  privilegeName  The name of the privilege for which to make the
338   *                        determination.
339   * @param  operation      The operation currently being processed.  It may be
340   *                        {@code null} if no operation is available.
341   *
342   * @return  {@code true} if the currently-authenticated user has the specified
343   *          privilege, or {@code false} if not (or if the client is not
344   *          authenticated).
345   *
346   * @throws  LDAPException  If the specified privilege is not defined in the
347   *                         server, or if a problem is encountered while trying
348   *                         to make the determination.
349   */
350  boolean hasPrivilege(final String privilegeName,
351                       final OperationContext operation)
352          throws LDAPException;
356  /**
357   * Retrieves the names of the privileges held by the currently-authenticated
358   * user.  The set of defined privileges may be found in the
359   * privilege-list.html and privilege-list.csv files in the server docs
360   * directory.
361   *
362   * @return  The names of the privileges held by the currently-authenticated
363   *          user, or an empty set if the authenticated user does not have any
364   *          privileges (or if the client is not authenticated).
365   */
366  Set<String> getPrivilegeNames();
370  /**
371   * Attempts to send an unsolicited notification to the client with the
372   * provided information.
373   *
374   * @param  oid         The OID for the unsolicited notification.  It must not
375   *                     be {@code null}.
376   * @param  resultCode  The result code to use for the unsolicited
377   *                     notification.  It must not be {@code null}.
378   * @param  message     A message to include in the unsolicited notification.
379   *                     It may be {@code null} if no message is needed.
380   */
381  void sendUnsolicitedNotification(final String oid,
382                                   final ResultCode resultCode,
383                                   final String message);
387  /**
388   * Terminates the connection to the client and interrupts any operations that
389   * may be in progress on that connection.
390   *
391   * @param  reason        A general reason that the connection was closed.
392   * @param  notifyClient  Indicates whether to attempt to send a notice of
393   *                       disconnection to the client.
394   * @param  message       A message with information about the reason for the
395   *                       disconnect.  It may be {@code null} if none is
396   *                       available.  It is generally recommended that a
397   *                       message be provided even if the client should not be
398   *                       notified, since the message may be used in other
399   *                       ways (e.g., in log messages).
400   */
401  void disconnect(final DisconnectReason reason, final boolean notifyClient,
402                  final String message);
406  /**
407   * Retrieves information about the server with which the client connection is
408   * associated.
409   *
410   * @return  Information about the server with which the client connection is
411   *          associated.
412   */
413  ServerContext getServerContext();
417  /**
418   * Retrieves an opaque object with information about the state of an active
419   * multi-stage SASL bind.  The core server will not make any attempt to
420   * interpret this object, but it is expected that any SASL mechanism handler
421   * which makes use of SASL state information will know how to interact with
422   * this object.
423   *
424   * @return  An opaque object with information about the state of an active
425   *          multi-stage SASL bind, or {@code null} if no state information is
426   *          available (e.g., because no multi-stage SASL bind is in progress,
427   *          or because no state information is needed for the active bind
428   *          operation).
429   */
430  Object getSASLAuthStateInfo();
434  /**
435   * Sets state information for an active multi-stage SASL bind.  It is
436   * recommended that if any SASL state information is set in the connection,
437   * then that state should be cleared when it is no longer required (e.g.,
438   * after the bind has completed or failed).
439   *
440   * @param  saslAuthStateInfo  An opaque object that may hold information about
441   *                            the state of an active multi-stage SASL bind.
442   *                            It may be {@code null} to clear any existing
443   *                            SASL authentication state.  The core sever will
444   *                            not make any attempt to interpret this object,
445   *                            but it is expected that any SASL mechanism
446   *                            handler which makes use of SASL state
447   *                            information will know how to interact with this
448   *                            object.
449   */
450  void setSASLAuthStateInfo(final Object saslAuthStateInfo);
454  /**
455   * Retrieves a named object that has been associated with this client
456   * connection.
457   *
458   * @param  name  The name of the attachment to retrieve.  It will be treated
459   *               in a case-sensitive manner.  Note that attachment names must
460   *               be carefully crafted to avoid inadvertent conflicts between
461   *               extensions or the core server itself.  It is strongly
462   *               recommended that attachment names be made unique (e.g.,
463   *               by prefixing them with the fully-qualified class name of the
464   *               extension with which they are associated) so that attachments
465   *               used by one extension do not inadvertently interfere with
466   *               those which may be used in another extension or elsewhere in
467   *               the server.
468   *
469   * @return  The object that has been associated with this client connection
470   *          using the given name, or {@code null} if there is no such
471   *          attachment.
472   */
473  Object getAttachment(final String name);
477  /**
478   * Attaches an object to this client connection.
479   *
480   * @param  name   The name of the attachment to retrieve.  It will be treated
481   *                in a case-sensitive manner.  Note that attachment names must
482   *                be carefully crafted to avoid inadvertent conflicts between
483   *                extensions or the core server itself.  It is strongly
484   *                recommended that attachment names be made unique (e.g.,
485   *                by prefixing them with the fully-qualified class name of the
486   *                extension with which they are associated) so that
487   *                attachments used by one extension do not inadvertently
488   *                interfere with those which may be used in another extension
489   *                or elsewhere in the server.
490   * @param  value  The attachment to set.  It may be {@code null} if an
491   *                existing attachment with the given name should be removed.
492   *
493   * @return  The attachment value held before the new value was assigned, or
494   *          {@code null} if the attachment did not previously have a value.
495   */
496  Object setAttachment(final String name, final Object value);
500  /**
501   * Retrieves a string representation of the client connection.
502   *
503   * @return  A string representation of the client connection.
504   */
505  String toString();