UnboundID Server SDK

UnboundID Server SDK Documentation


 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
 * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
 * docs/licenses/cddl.txt
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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 *      Copyright 2013-2015 UnboundID Corp.
package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.examples;

import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.api.StoreAdapter;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.config.StoreAdapterConfig;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.IdentityBrokerContext;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.StoreCreateRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.StoreDeleteRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.StoreSearchRequest;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.StoreUpdateRequest;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode;
import com.unboundid.scim.data.BaseResource;
import com.unboundid.scim.data.Meta;
import com.unboundid.scim.marshal.json.JsonMarshaller;
import com.unboundid.scim.marshal.json.JsonUnmarshaller;
import com.unboundid.scim.schema.CoreSchema;
import com.unboundid.scim.schema.ResourceDescriptor;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.AttributePath;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.Diff;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.PageParameters;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.ResourceNotFoundException;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.Resources;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.SCIMConstants;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.SCIMException;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.SCIMFilter;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.SCIMFilterType;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.SCIMObject;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.SCIMQueryAttributes;
import com.unboundid.scim.sdk.ServerErrorException;
import com.unboundid.util.StaticUtils;
import com.unboundid.util.Validator;
import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException;
import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser;
import com.unboundid.util.args.FileArgument;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * This example provides an implementation of a flat-file StoreAdapter
 * which stores users in JSON format. Note that this is a simplistic
 * implementation for the sake of example; production StoreAdapter
 * implementations must store their data in persistent storage that is
 * accessible to all Identity Broker instances.
 * <p>
 * This implementation supports all required SCIM features, but does not
 * support certain optional features such as sorting or resource versioning.
public class ExampleStoreAdapter extends StoreAdapter
  // Handle to the ServerContext object.
  private IdentityBrokerContext serverContext;

  // The name of the argument that will be used to specify the path to the JSON
  // file containing the users.
  private static final String ARG_NAME_JSON_FILE_PATH = "json-file-path";

  // Handle to the JSON file containing the users.
  private File jsonFile;

  // An in-memory map of the SCIM resources based on their SCIM ID.
  private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, BaseResource> resources =
          new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BaseResource>();

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getExtensionName()
    return "Example Store Adapter";

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public String[] getExtensionDescription()
    return new String[]
      "This example provides an implementation of a flat-file StoreAdapter " +
      "which stores users in JSON format. Note that this is a simplistic " +
      "implementation for the sake of example; production StoreAdapter " +
      "implementations must store their data in persistent storage that is " +
      "accessible to all Identity Broker instances."

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void defineConfigArguments(final ArgumentParser parser)
          throws ArgumentException
    String description = "The path to the JSON file containing the users.";
    List<File> defaultValues = new ArrayList<File>(1);
    defaultValues.add(new File("resource/user-database.json"));

    final FileArgument jsonFileArg = new FileArgument(null,
            ARG_NAME_JSON_FILE_PATH, true, 1, "{file-path}", description,
            false, true, true, false, defaultValues);

   * Initializes this store adapter. Any initialization should be performed
   * here. This method should generally store the
   * {@link com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.IdentityBrokerContext} in
   * a class member so that it can be used elsewhere in the implementation.
   * @param  serverContext  A handle to the server context for the server in
   *                        which this extension is running. Extensions should
   *                        typically store this in a class member.
   * @param  config         The general configuration for this object.
   * @param  parser         The argument parser which has been initialized from
   *                        the configuration for this store adapter.
   * @throws LDAPException  If a problem occurs while initializing this store
   *                        adapter.
  public void initializeStoreAdapter(final IdentityBrokerContext serverContext,
                                     final StoreAdapterConfig config,
                                     final ArgumentParser parser)
      throws LDAPException
    this.serverContext = serverContext;

    FileArgument jsonFileArg =
            (FileArgument) parser.getNamedArgument(ARG_NAME_JSON_FILE_PATH);
    jsonFile = jsonFileArg.getValue();

      jsonFile = new File(serverContext.getServerRoot(), jsonFile.getPath());

    Resources<BaseResource> resourceList =
            new Resources<BaseResource>(Collections.<BaseResource>emptyList());

    //Preload the resources from the file if it already exists
    if (jsonFile.length() > 0)
      JsonUnmarshaller unmarshaller = new JsonUnmarshaller();
      BufferedInputStream inputStream = null;
        inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(jsonFile));
        resourceList = unmarshaller.unmarshalResources(inputStream,
                getNativeSchema(), BaseResource.BASE_RESOURCE_FACTORY);
      catch(Exception e)
        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR, e);
    else  //Otherwise, create the file
      catch (IOException ioe)
        throw new LDAPException(ResultCode.LOCAL_ERROR, ioe);

    // Populate the resources map
    for (BaseResource r : resourceList)
      resources.put(r.getId(), r);

   * Determines whether this StoreAdapter is currently available and in-service.
   * This may return {@code false} in the case that the JSON file is not
   * accessible; during this time the DataView will return an appropriate 503
   * response code to clients.
   * @return {@code true} if this StoreAdapter initialized and connected;
   *         {@code false} otherwise.
  public boolean isAvailable()
    return jsonFile != null && jsonFile.canWrite();

   * Gets a ResourceDescriptor that describes the schema for the objects that
   * will be returned by this StoreAdapter. The StoreAdapter will always be
   * initialized before this method is called.
   * @return a SCIM ResourceDescriptor object. This may not be {@code null}.
  public ResourceDescriptor getNativeSchema()
    return CoreSchema.USER_DESCRIPTOR;

   * Fetches the entries that match the specified criteria.
   * @param request the search request
   * @return a collection of SCIM resources that are in the native schema. This
   *         may be empty, but it may not be {@code null}.
   * @throws SCIMException if there is a problem fulfilling the search request
  public Resources<? extends BaseResource> search(
          final StoreSearchRequest request) throws SCIMException
    final SCIMFilter filter = request.getSCIMFilter();

    final AttributePath idAttrPath = new AttributePath(
            SCIMConstants.SCHEMA_URI_CORE, "id", null);

    if(filter != null && filter.getFilterType().equals(SCIMFilterType.EQUALITY)
        && filter.getFilterAttribute().toString().equals(idAttrPath.toString()))
      //This is a search by SCIM ID
      BaseResource r = resources.get(filter.getFilterValue());
      if (r != null)
        return new Resources<BaseResource>(Collections.singletonList(r));
        return new Resources<BaseResource>(
      PageParameters pageParams = request.getPageParameters();
      List<BaseResource> resultList = new LinkedList<BaseResource>();

      int idx = 0;
      for (BaseResource r : resources.values())
        if (filter == null || r.getScimObject().matchesFilter(filter))
          if (pageParams != null && pageParams.getStartIndex() > idx)

          if (pageParams != null && idx > pageParams.getCount())

      return new Resources<BaseResource>(resultList);

   * Create the specified entry in the JSON file.
   * @param request the create request
   * @return the resource that was just created, scoped according to the
   *         SCIMQueryAttributes contained in the request
   * @throws SCIMException if there is a problem creating the resource
  public BaseResource create(final StoreCreateRequest request)
          throws SCIMException
    //All write operations are synchronized to prevent concurrent modifications
    //to the JSON file.
      FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
        //Populate the SCIM 'id' and 'meta' attributes
        BaseResource resourceToCreate = request.getResource();
        URI location = URI.create(jsonFile.toURI() + "/" +
        Meta meta = new Meta(new Date(), null, location, null);

        List<BaseResource> resourceList =
                new LinkedList<BaseResource>(resources.values());
        resources.put(resourceToCreate.getId(), resourceToCreate);

        //Write the new set of resources to the JSON file
        outputStream = new FileOutputStream(jsonFile);
        writeResources(outputStream, resourceList);

        return createParedResource(resourceToCreate.getScimObject(),
      catch (Exception e)
        throw new ServerErrorException(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));

   * Update the specified entry in the JSON file.
   * @param request the update request
   * @return the updated resource, scoped according to the SCIMQueryAttributes
   *         contained in the request
   * @throws SCIMException if there is a problem modifying the resource
  public BaseResource update(final StoreUpdateRequest request)
          throws SCIMException

    //All write operations are synchronized to prevent concurrent modifications
    //to the JSON file.
      FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
        BaseResource updatedResource = null;
        List<BaseResource> resourceList = new LinkedList<BaseResource>();
        for (BaseResource r : resources.values())
          if (r.getId().equals(request.getId()))
            Diff<BaseResource> diff = Diff.fromPartialResource(
                    request.getPartialResource(), false);

            //Apply the PATCH modifications to the resource
            updatedResource = diff.apply(r, BaseResource.BASE_RESOURCE_FACTORY);

            //Update the 'meta.lastModified' attribute
            Meta meta = updatedResource.getMeta();
            meta.setLastModified(new Date());

            //Finally, add the resource to the total list of resources
          else {

        resources.put(request.getId(), updatedResource);

        //Write the updated set of resources to the JSON file
        outputStream = new FileOutputStream(jsonFile);
        writeResources(outputStream, resourceList);

        return createParedResource(updatedResource.getScimObject(),
      catch(Exception e)
        throw new ServerErrorException(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));

   * Delete the specified entry from the JSON file.
   * @param request the delete request
   * @throws SCIMException if there is a problem deleting the resource
  public void delete(final StoreDeleteRequest request) throws SCIMException

    //All write operations are synchronized to prevent concurrent modifications
    //to the JSON file.
      FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
        List<BaseResource> resourceList = new LinkedList<BaseResource>();

        //Write the updated set of resources to the JSON file
        outputStream = new FileOutputStream(jsonFile);
        writeResources(outputStream, resourceList);
      catch(Exception e)
        throw new ServerErrorException(StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(e));

   * Closes a stream quietly.
   * @param stream to close
  private void safeCloseStream(final Closeable stream)
    if (stream != null)
      catch (final IOException ioe)
      {  }

   * Checks to see if a resource exists.
   * @param id to check
   * @throws ResourceNotFoundException if a resource was not found
  private void checkIfIdExists(final String id) throws ResourceNotFoundException
    if (!resources.containsKey(id))
      throw new ResourceNotFoundException(String.format(
        "No resource found with ID '%s'", id));

   * Writes the current resources to an output stream.
   * @param outputStream where the resources are written
   * @param resourceList resources to write
   * @throws SCIMException if a problem occurs
  private void writeResources(final OutputStream outputStream,
                              final List<BaseResource> resourceList)
    throws SCIMException
    //Write a set of resources to an output stream
    Resources<BaseResource> outputList =
      new Resources<BaseResource>(resourceList);
    JsonMarshaller marshaller = new JsonMarshaller();
    marshaller.marshal(outputList, outputStream);

   * Creates a new resource from a scim object with specific attributes.
   * @param scimObject to create a resource from
   * @param attributes to include in the resource
   * @return BaseResource created from the scim object
  private BaseResource createParedResource(final SCIMObject scimObject,
                                           final SCIMQueryAttributes attributes)
    //Pare the returned resource down to the attributes that were requested
    SCIMObject paredObject = attributes.pareObject(scimObject);
    return new BaseResource(getNativeSchema(), paredObject);

   * Removes any sensitive attributes from a scim object.
   * @param scimObject to process
  private void removeSensitiveAttributes(final SCIMObject scimObject)
    scimObject.removeAttribute(SCIMConstants.SCHEMA_URI_CORE, "password");